Newbee help required

Nov 06, 2016

I worked through most of the Tutorial materials. I have some things to ask that are probably basic to you experts. In particular I am playing with slide layers and triggers. In the Tigger Wizard when I apply the trigger to the layers it does not display the three layers I set up. It only displays the base layer.  I am probably missing something simple, but your help will be appreciated.

On a broader aspect is there a more detailed manual or tutorial that explains the Trigger Wizard in more detail than the basic tutorials already provided?

5 Replies
Avril  Fortuin

Hi Michael

Please see attached (my first project). I already went through the articles
you cited. The articles do not give you enough information concerning the
interactivity between the state, layers, and triggers. Also, the article
talks about the sequencing of the triggers but not detailed information.

Thanks for helping.

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