‘Notes’ text is not appearing in Question bank in Storyline 360

Nov 13, 2019

Hi Team,

In the Preview mode, in the default ‘Notes’ section, text is not appearing in Question bank in Storyline 360 tool and it’s published output. To add, the questions are randomized, therefore, I cannot take the questions out of the Question bank. Has anyone faced this issue before?

Pinned Reply
Steven Benassi

Hello Everyone!

I'm happy to share that we have released Storyline 360 version 72 (Build 3.72.29654.0).

Included in this release is the fix for the bug where the slide notes were missing from the published output for question bank slides. 

Now all you need to do is update Storyline 360 in your Articulate 360 desktop app on your computer. You'll find our step-by-step instructions here.

Please let us know if you have any questions by reaching out to our Support Engineers directly.

Have a great day!

27 Replies
Bhupendra Chauhan

Phil Mayor! Yes, the individual slide properties is also switched on.

I have attached .story file for your reference. As you see the first page, the Transcript text is appearing. But when you go to next slide which is a question of question bank, Transcript text is not shown there.

Ren Gomez

Hi Bhupendra,

Thanks for sharing your file, and I'm sorry you're coming across this snag! I was able to replicate the issue with the slide notes missing from the notes tab in a question bank. 

We have reported it to our team as a bug, and continue to keep an eye on it to evaluate how many customers are impacted and what impact it has on courses. I'll be sure to jump back in here when there's any progress to share. 

Justin Venters

Has there been any updates to this issue? I am seeing the same thing with a series of courses I am currently working on. We use the Notes as a place to put the transcript the voice over narrator is reading from and in every question bank I have, I cannot see text written in the Notes section of each slide. Thanks in advance!

Justin Venters

Fantastic! I did find a semi-workaround if anyone else is in the same situation. I am using the question banks for obviously, questions, so what I did was copy the question of each slide, and place that question text into the slide title for each question. That way, when the learner clicks the drop-down notes tab, it displays the question there as well.

Lauren Connelly

Hi all!

I'm here with an update on the bug where the Slide Notes were missing in the Notes tab when drawing from a question bank!

Good news, this bug has been fixed and is included in Update 36 (Build 3.36.21213.0) for Storyline 360! To stay up to speed with the newest bug fixes and features, we recommend updating Storyline 360 in the Desktop app!

Justin Venters

Hey Lauren,

Thank you for the update - however I am still experiencing this bug with new projects and existing projects when previewing. My Storyline 360 is updated to the current version of v3.36.21289.0. You can view this error concurring when previewing this simple interaction i created to showcase the error of notes not appearing during question bank slides.

Leslie McKerchie

Thanks for the feedback and sample file, Justin.

This allowed me to see specific differences in testing.

I experienced the same result with your shared file, but adjusting the player from Modern to Classic allows the Notes to display for the Question Bank slides.

Hopefully, this will help you in the meantime and I've shared this with our team for further investigation.

Alan Weiler

I have read this thread and am still getting an empty Notes panel for questions in a question bank.  I have the latest version of Storyline 360.  The text does appear in questions that are not part of question bank.  I have tested in the preview screen, Chrome on Windows 10 and Safari on Macintosh.

Jon Pangilinan


I just encountered the same issue. Updated my Storyline 360 with the latest version (3.41.22509). Did the necessary checks and troubleshooting. Still, the notes dont appear in Preview mode and Review 360. This occurs on randomized quiz slides in a question bank.

Checking if there's a resolution in the works.


Kailey Lunazz


 I added some slides to a question bank (to use the randomized question delivery) and am trying to use the Notes feature; I am experiencing the same error reported above. I am using the Modern player as it has improved functionality. Has there been any update on this item?
