Object still appearing on layer when selected to hide

Mar 04, 2014

Hi everyone,

Storyline has been a bit more quirky than usual for me!  My most recent challenge is that an object from the base layer, which I have selected to hide, is still showing up on one of the slide layers.  I need some help, but I don't know what other details to share so that someone can help me. 

3 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Mandi,

In a scenario like this, it's generally easiest to diagnose by taking a look at the Storyline file. With that being said, there are a few elements that you could check on your side of things first:

Let us know how things are behaving after checking in to those and if you'd like you can share your files here with us or I can send you directions to share privately. 

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