Print Results - Incorrect vs Neutral

Feb 25, 2013

Hello all,

I am working on a project where, because of branching, users will not be able to answer some quiz questions depending on the path they take. So far, when a user does not answer a question the result appears as "Neutral" in the print report. This is what I want. However, on my latest example, the result is appearing as "Incorrect" in the print report. I cannot figure out what is different or why this occurs. Why in some cases does a non-answered question appear as "Neutral" and sometimes appear as "Incorrect" in a print results screen. Example below:

2 Replies
Peter Anderson

Hi Jeremy,

When you're testing your course, are you visiting the slides but not answering the question, or are you bypassing the slides altogether? If you'd like, we'd be happy to take a closer look at it. Please submit a case, including your .story file, using this link so our support team can assist you further.



Jeremy Larson

I am bypassing the slides altogether. I have tried both having the questions "User must answer" and "User may skip". It does not seem to matter. It is primarily confusing because it seems the question results can appear as "Neutral" or "Incorrect" under the same circumstances. I was just hoping someone out here may have a simple solution or have run into this problem already. Because of the amount of software screen shots, I may need to consult with my employer before uploading my .story file. I was also hoping to have this resolved by the end of the day today. If need be, I guess I may have to return to this issue later. Any other solutions/ ideas you may have would be much appreciated.

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