Problems viewing content in HTML5

Feb 22, 2016


Wondered if anyone can help - I have a Storyline slide that views perfectly in Flash-enabled browser but not in HTML5. The project is hosted within a Moodle VLE.

In HTML5 viewing, when clicked basically the icons sometimes disappear and then reappear - not always in same way each time it seems.

Is there an implementation of what I am trying to do that would give more reliable results in HTML viewing?

I attach the 'slide' in a Storyline project.

Chris Pim

15 Replies
Chris Pim

Thanks for replying.

Yes, some problems on my iPad via Safari. Sometimes it works ok and sometimes not. You may need try a few times or even once you have clicked all the icons try clicking again. Eventually you will get disappearing icons or parts of icons. Can you replicate the problems?

Sent from my iPad

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