Progress Bar doesn't match video length

Aug 20, 2021

I am working on a file that includes three slides which show video. I had one slide that worked. I duplicated it twice and replaced the video.

Now, when I preview it or review it in Review 360, the progress bar at the bottom of the window does not match the video's actual duration. Instead, when the video ends, it's only about 2/3 of the way across the slide. Annoyingly, this indicates that the Timeline is not done--triggers activated by reaching the Timeline's ending don't happen for several minutes.

What would cause this, and what can I do to fix it?

Note that the timeline of the video layer is the exact length of the video, in seconds.

6 Replies
Carl Fink

Thanks, Scott. So ... shouldn't the "Replace video" function do that automatically? I don't mean that you're wrong, I just mean that Articulate should fix that, because by what you just wrote, the Replace Video function is probably worse than useless (because it just wasted a significant amount of my time, and now I have to redo all that work).

Scott Wiley

Agreed, it should be easier.

And while it may be easy to use "Replace Video" it still requires checking the timeline to manually stretch/condense it. You might choose to manually adjust the timelines, but you'll have to do some math to translate how your folder shows duration and the timeline in SL does. 

And it's easy to stretch beyond the end of the new video, making it appear to the viewer it looped to beginning for a bit. 

Best of luck.