Published Courses Have Missing Files

Jun 22, 2018

Hi, I'm new to Articulate and currently evaluating the Articulate 360. 

I cannot preview the courses, courses stucks at the loading forever.

Preview Stucks At Loading


I tried to publish the courses but they are not loading too. Chrome's console said that there are some errors, you can find the errors below.

data.js:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
app.min.js:3 init::initialization - Could not load presentation data
(anonymous) @ app.min.js:3
app.min.js:3 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'controllayout' of undefined
at n.onDataSynced (app.min.js:3)
at c (app.min.js:3)
at n.trigger (app.min.js:3)
at Object.e.success (app.min.js:3)
at Object.<anonymous> (app.min.js:3)
at t (app.min.js:3)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (app.min.js:3)
at Object.r.(anonymous function) [as resolve] (file:///D:/************/My%20Articulate%20Projects/Test%20-%20Storyline%20output/html5/lib/scripts/app.min.js:3:383682)


Could you please help me?  

3 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

I'm so sorry you were getting stuck, Alper! 

We released another Storyline 360 update on Friday, and that update should get you back up and running.

Click the Help tab, then click About Storyline. You should see 3.17.16168.0 in the bottom-right corner. If you don't, go ahead and update your software by following these steps. 

Let me know if you see an improvement!

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Alper, 

I'm sorry you're still stuck with this issue! We released another update this AM for folks who were having issues previewing/publishing in the latest update. A fix was pushed out for that this AM and is listed as Build 3.17.16188.0 in the About Articulate Storyline window. 

If you're using that build and still seeing the odd behavior, I'd want to have you work with our Support Engineers next to figure out what's continuing to cause you trouble! 

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