Quiz Scoring Variable Not Working

May 30, 2018

I'm trying to show the total score for a quiz using the total points variable. I changed the point value for each correct answer/question to 1 instead of the default of 10. But when I take the quiz and get a few wrong (there are 20 questions), my score is usually 25. I have double-checked all the question points, so that's not the issue. All of the questions are free-form drag and drops using the standard player Submit button. The questions are in four scenes and the Results slide is in another scene.

First string is: %Results.ScorePoints% 

I'm also using %quizNumQuestions%  which is working fine

What could be wrong? I'm stumped. This is in Storyline 360.



7 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hey Amy!

From what you've described, it sounds like you set everything up correctly. I can see why you're feeling stumped! Mind sharing your project file with me? Sometimes it helps to have a second pair of eyes to spot the culprit.

Also, you don't need to put the %Results.ScorePercent% variable off to the side. That data will be sent to your LMS automatically, as long as you included a results slide in your course.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

 I'm glad you figured something out. Keep in mind, for the custom variable, Storyline isn't designed to report that to your LMS and there isn't a way to adjust the built-in results slide variables. 

Plenty of other users have mentioned passing custom variables to their LMS as a score here in ELH, and it'll likely involve some Javascript. If that's a bit outside your realm of expertise, I'm sure someone in the community could help! 

Amy Harry

Alyssa said: "you don't need to put the %Results.ScorePercent% variable off to the side. That data will be sent to your LMS automatically, as long as you included a results slide in your course."

Going off of that. If it gets to LMS test, we'll see what happens. Maybe I'll set up a different completion. This isn't measurement. It's learn-by-quizzing.

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