Quiz - sequence drag drop

May 23, 2014


trying to hide the numbers on the Quiz - sequence drag and drop. I was not able to find where I can remove them - so I covered them with white rectangle shape. Preview works fine, as well as Flash publish - however the HTML5 doesnt work. When I click on the item - the numbers "pops up" on the first layer and becomes visible.

Any ideas? Manually replicating the template is not my preferable choice.



5 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Sebastjan,

There isn't an option to remove them, as with the sequence drag and drop the user is supposed to know which order to place the elements in - with the set up to place them with the first one at the top. I did take a look at the behavior you described in regards to covering the numbers with a shape - and how when viewing the HTML5 content (either in Google Chrome on my laptop or mobile Safari on my iPad) once I try to drag one of the drag elements the numbers appear through the shape/on top of it. I've shared this with our QA team, but I'd suggest in the meantime to create a custom set up using a freeform drag and drop where the user would have to drop each item in a transparent shape that can be set up in the sequence. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Sebastjan, 

I don't think you'd be able to recreate the same movements of the elements using the freeform drag and drop unfortunately. The freeform drag and drop functionality does have an option to allow there to only be one drag item in each drop target - so if the user needed to drop a different item in target A, it would kick out whatever was there - but back to the starting position, not just to the next available spot. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Sebastjan,

Unfortunately, I'm unable to offer a time frame for when I may hear back from them or when it would be fixed. I've included a link to this thread in the report and will follow along with it, so that if there is additional information to share I'll post it here. So please make sure you've clicked "subscribe to replies" at the top of the post so that any updates will be sent to you as an email notification as well. 

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