Quiz slide format woes

Mar 12, 2015

Hello! I'm having trouble editing the Feedback Master in SL-2 so I get what I want. Please see the attached figure, so you can see what I'm trying to do. 

In the Feedback master, the lower text box "Click to edit Master text styles" doesn't allow me to select text size or color; it just seems to let me set the background color (which isn't carried forward). 

For the Quiz feedback layers, I want to use a certain blue button for "Continue" or "Try Again". I can't see how to set this up in the Master view because there's that same nonfunctional "Click to edit Master text styles" text box. 

Please help me understand how I can set a consistent style for all my feedback layers. I appreciate it!



6 Replies
Marie DesJardin

Thanks, Leslie. You're right; my slides don't look like the generic version. Could this corruption be an artifact of upgrading from SL1?

I'm attaching the story FYI. You can see the old corrupt Feedback master slides. I created a new set of feedback slides called "Feedback blue". I can format the button now, hooray, but: (1) the layouts are still not taking the font size from the master slide. (2) the background on the question layers is still black. How can I insert a new question so it uses my "Feedback blue" style?

Also, could you please direct me to instructions for customizing the Graded Results slide? The default format won't work for me.

Thanks so much!

Marie DesJardin

I'm playing some more with this. When I select the "Feedback blue" master for specific layers on a question slide, it imports the green line change I made, but it turns the button purple.

How can I design a set of master slides that will give me the colors I want? I want one set of buttons to be blue, and another set another color for a different course. If I select the "themes" at the top SL trashes the company copyright slide I use as my standard base.

I'm happy to read through whatever tutorials you suggest. I have viewed many, but your search function isn't getting me to where I need to go. Thank you!

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Marie!

Are you following the directions here for editing the feedback masters and then applying down to the layouts as well?

It doesn't look like you have applied any of the layout that you added to any of your slides, so that may be why you are seeing some inconsistencies.

As far as your Results Slide, this utilizes the Slide Master so you would control that here.

Marie DesJardin

Thanks for working with me, Leslie. We're getting there.

I'm attaching what I want for the Results slide. I want the fields to be located at the bottom, no title. There is no "Results" layout in the master slide list; how do I make the SL Results page generate one with the layout I want? Thank you!

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Marie, 

Although there is no slide layer labeled as the "results" slide in the slide master, it'll be based on the "blank" version so you could add additional elements to that slide master - but the elements such as buttons for review/retry, etc. are generated by the results slide options and therefore won't be able to be modified from the master itself. 

Once you have created the results slide, you are able to move the items around as you wish to match the image you shared here.

Hope that helps! 

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