Results Slide Percent no Decimal Points

Jan 03, 2014


 I have a results slide which pulls in data from several other results slide.

 The problem is that the results percentage is showing the percentage with decimal points. From a cosmetic point of view I would like the percentage rate to be rounded up or down to the nearest full number.

Is there a way to do this?

Thank you in advance


68 Replies
Teresa Vanderpost

Good morning, so Mike and I were talking and I got it to work in SL2, but I have Storyline 360, and unless my eyes are failing me I can't see anything different from the two files but I can't get it to work in 360.  Mike has SL2, so he can't see my 360 file.  I was wondering if anyone was up for it, if they could look at these 2 files one is SL2 the other 360, I put the identical 3 question quiz in with the RoundingScore.  I really like this option, but can't see what I am doing wrong in 360.  Cheers

Liz Manera

Hi Teresa,

I am wondering if you were able to get your rounded score in Articulate 360. I have followed the instructions in all the threads and checked all your triggers and variables.

Technically I have done it correctly but I cannot get the score to display without the decimal places.

Best regards


Leslie McKerchie

Hey Liz,

I'm not sure if Teresa was able to get this sorted, but it looks like Mike shared a solution above.

I'm not sure if they are still subscribed to the conversation here, but you are welcome to reach out to the users directly via the 'Contact Me' option on the user profile if you do not hear back soon.

Teresa Vanderpost

Unfortunately I was unable to get it to work in 360 only Storyline 2.  Would be nice to see if Articulate can look at Storyline 2 and see how it can work in 360.  Or it would be nicer if the feature request was approved as I am no javascript person that is for sure.  Good luck.

Leslie, it looks like no community member was able to have an opportunity to check my 360 version, is this something you can look at and see how the SL2 works and 360 is not working...did I miss something.  I just kind of gave up worrying about it, but if there is a fix that would be great.

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Teresa,

Thanks for popping back in with an update. There has been a lot of conversation here, so were you using a JavaScript solution? If so, the JavaScript coding is not something our team is able to assist with, but if I've misunderstood and you're running into something else we could take a look for sure.

If the latter is the case, then with your permission, I'd like you to share your project file with our support engineers to investigate what's happening. You can share it privately by uploading it here. It will be deleted when troubleshooting is complete.

jack keena

Hi Karen - It would appear this is still an issue.

The previous fixes mentioned do no seem to work anymore. I think it has some thing to do with SL360 not allowing the user to edit built in variables such as Results.ScorePercent.

The easy solution I have found is to use the java script mentioned on page 1 of this thread but you have to make a custom variable first, which you set its value to that of Results.ScorePercent then modify the new variable with the javascript.

I have attached a grab of my triggers from SL and below is the javascript I have used:

var player = GetPlayer();
var score = player.GetVar("ResultsScorePercentRounded");
var n = score.toFixed(0);
player.SetVar("ResultsScorePercentRounded", n);


I hope this helps anyone else who comes across this issue down the line.