Rise course embedded in a Storyline course via Web Object

Nov 13, 2017

The "Articulate 360 FAQs: Rise" page states that "You can embed Rise courses into Storyline 360, Presenter 360, and Quizmaker 360 projects. Just copy the shareable web link for your Rise course and paste it into a web object."

Does anyone have an example of what a Rise course embedded within a Storyline course would look like?

22 Replies
Saeko Reed

Hi, I know this is an old thread, but I wonder if you have a luck using this method as a workaround for LMS+Rise+IE11 issue.

We have a LMS that won't work with Rise course, so we are trying to upload the course as Storyline file using this solution. The problem is that we need to report pass/fail based on the quiz result that is part of the rise course, which I cannot figure out how to do.

If anybody had a luck working on LMS reporting with Rise course embeded on Storyline file, please share! Thanks.


Charlain Fondren

Is there any way to adjust the size of the Rise content inside the Web object?

I would love to easily add some interactivity by adding a matching block from Rise into my Storyline course.  But when I insert it as a web object, the first card is the only thing that appears in the viewing window and the user would have to scroll down to see the matching categories to drag the card to.

Meghan Markie

hi all!  interested in using a rise course as a lightbox, however when I import it into storyline as a web object, the size/font is small and hard to read.  (This is the "display in slide" object)  in the example Alyssa posted above, it looks right-sized and easy to read.  Is there something I can change in the settings of either to get rise to fill the whole screen when I import into storyline? 


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Richard,

The issue with Rise embed is limited to using the Share link to embed your Rise content within an iFrame. For example, code that looks like this will stop working:

<iframe src="https://rise.articulate.com/share/1234567abcdef"></iframe>

If you’re using the share link in an iframe to embed a course on your website, like the example above, that content will stop working later this year.

If you've hosted your Rise content on a web server, you can still embed that into Storyline as a web object. The directions in this article will walk you through how to prepare your content for hosting on an external server:

Leslie McKerchie

Hello Cliona, and welcome to E-Learning Heroes. 😊

That is not correct. You can embed Rise 360 into Storyline 360 via web object.

  1. Publish Rise 360 for web distribution and host on a web server:
    Rise 360: How to Embed Published Content in a Web Page
  2. Add web object to Storyline 360:
    Storyline 360: Adding Web Objects
Nicole Kelsch

I have a Rise course embedded in SL 360 as a web object. I am wondering if there is a way to change a variable or trigger in SL once the Rise is complete. I want to ensure students complete the Rise before moving on in the SL, but cannot figure out a way to "lock it down" until completion. Any suggestions? 

Maria Costa-Stienstra

Hi, Nicole.

I'm not aware of a way to trigger a variable or state change from within a web object. My suggestion is to disable the Next button and only re-enable it once the user confirms they've completed the course (by a checkbox or clicking a button, for example).

I look forward to other suggestions our community members might have! 

Shipra Jain

Hi all,

I would like to know the answer to this too. How to track the completion of the Rise course embedded in Storyline? I came across this thread, however, this too has the question but no solution. Maybe this helps someone. Pass variable value from Rise web object with embedded interaction block to Storyline - Articulate Storyline Discussions - E-Learning Heroes

Jose Tansengco

Hi Shipra, 

Happy to chime in! 

Unfortunately, there isn't a way to track the completion of embedded Rise 360 courses in a Storyline 360 course. It looks like you're trying to use the completion of a Rise 360 course to signal an event in Storyline 360, but this type of interaction does not exist yet. 

As an alternative, you can add a button to the slide that a learner can click on asking them if they've completed the course, and this button can be used to unlock the next slide in your Storyline 360 project. 

I'll let other members of the community chime in so they can share how they were able to address similar design requirements!