Simulation Question

Feb 28, 2017

ques is there a way to create a try it simulation and if the learner does not get the correct click after 2 trys can i have the simulation do the click for them? like a try it show me combo?

12 Replies
Tom Kuhlmann
  • Use a number variable to count the wrong clicks.
  • Add a layer to show what to do. You can copy and paste the mouse movement, or add your own by inserting the mouse from the interactive objects.
  • You can trigger to show that layer based on the value of the variable.

Personally I think that's a lot of extra effort. I'd just put something on the screen that says "click here" after two wrong attempts.


Ashley Chiasson

I've gone the variable route, and then have included a layer that shows on the 2nd incorrect try. In the layer, I display a screen recording of me doing the show me. For multiple actions (e.g. if you had 5 clicks), you could just create a layer for each with a condensed video for each showing each of the 5 clicks. Make sense?

Refugio Jones

Hi Robyn,

I like the rule of keeping things simple and fast. On the other hand, you are the developer and if you have time then by all means try to realize your vision for this interaction, if just for the reason of learning more about Storyline.

My suggestions:

1. Create a variable to count the number of attempts

2. Create a trigger (in the submit button or whatever you're using) to show the desired layer(s)

3. Test the variable in the conditions section of the trigger

4. Create the layer(s) that will display the information

5. Create a way to close the layer or progress to the next slide when the user is done



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