Slide master layout - change default textbox placeholder text

Feb 08, 2016

Hi all, I have researched to no avail - in the Master slide layout is there an option to change the default placeholder text box prompt from Click to add text to some custom text/prompt? No matter if I change the text in the master, when you create a new slide from this master, the text defaults to Click to add text.

Many thanks!

12 Replies
Judy Nollet

The "Click to add text" prompt is there to tell the developer that they can enter text in that placeholder when they are creating/editing the course. The people who take the course never see that text; if a placeholder isn't used, it isn't published. 

If you want specific text to appear on all slides that use the same master layout, you need to insert a standard text box from the Insert menu. 

If you want your learners to enter text when they're taking the course (e.g., enter their name on the first slide), you should insert a data entry box on the slide. With those, you can adjust the prompt text. You'll find more info about data entry here:


Marina Grinberg

Hi Judy, thanks for the quick response, although I think there may have been a slight misunderstanding - I don't think I was clear in my description.

What I am looking to do is - once the developer is creating/editing the course, I want specific dummy text to appear in the placeholder textbox (that he will see - after inserting a new slide from my master slide template). So instead of him seeing Click to add text I can give him some specific guidelines on the textbox. Does that make sense?

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Mazz,

As Judy mentioned you'd have to insert the text within the text box, but then if it's a part of a master slide the individual designer would need to go there to edit it. Perhaps you would want to instead look at placing those text boxes off the slide stage so that they're there as a reference but not something that will be seen while previewing/publishing. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Mazz, 

The notes section is at the bottom of the Storyline UI with the timeline and states tab. You can read more about working with them here.  As far as not appearing on your slide, I don't think based on your description of needs that you want to show them on the slide itself, but perhaps you mean that they are no longer docked as a part of the view while on the slide? You may want to look at the information here on working with the Storyline UI to help find any tabs or sections you undocked. 

Shelley Bates

Not sure if this is a new question or just adding to this one, but I need some help. I am creating a new template. Working in my Slide Master. When I insert placeholder text boxes, I want to change the default "click to add text" and customize the instruction. I can not figure out how to do this. Please help.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Shelly,

Correct - if you want to add specific details for your developers I'd look at adding notes within the notes section of the slides or look at adding extra text boxes that appear off the slide stage so that if the developers left it there it won't appear to other users viewing the course. 

Nick Milton

I have not had a problem doing this. When you are in "view" then "slide master" I remove the original place holders then using the "insert placeholder" drop down I select "text" I place new ones at the shape and size I need. I remove the standard bullet list blanks and type in what I want. Using "home" I change the font style, color and size.

This being said I made the assumption that the thread is about using PowerPoint

Mike Wills

Nick, I gotta hand it to you -- this lightbulb moment is terrific!  I had struggled with this in trying to have a slide template deck that had a custom footer that really needed to be an "Enter text here" placeholder, not a footer. Imagine the slides are based on a WORD docx where the heading levels are breadcrumbs on the slides, and the placeholder prompt needs to be:

"Click to Breadcrumb Module > H2 topics > H3 topic > H4 topic"

And this works like a treat!

On the slides we don't want breadcrumbs on -- just delete the text box.


I'm not wearing a hat, but if I was I'd take it off and tip it your way!  Thanks!

