Storyline 360 - downloadable exe?

Nov 09, 2016

Hi folks,

Does anyone know if there's a downloadable *.exe for the installation of Storyline 360? I can't get it to install from the 360 windows app. It fails on either anti-virus or firewall.


30 Replies
Bruce Roberts

I just had this problem which persisted even after the latest Win7 update and a reboot, however, just to see what would happen I tracked down the installer file to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Articulate\360\Desktop Application\Articulate 360 Installer Service.exe and right clicked on it to run this as an administrator.  Nothing happened at all, however, when I tried running the install again, it worked.  See screenshots.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hey Patrick,

Thanks for sharing that image here. We've seen a few instances of this mostly within Windows 7 and it's based on an issue with the latest Windows updates needing to be manually installed. If you're still having difficulty or not using Windows 7 can you connect with our Support Engineers here so that we can gather a bit more info? 

Steve Galway

Finally got this installed. Big thanks to James in support who put me on the right path. The install logs James investigated suggested that some Microsoft packages were not being installed correctly leading to the install failure of Storyline 360.  

I tried to install the Microsoft packages from some direct links James provided but both of the installs failed. I ran them again and noticed that for whatever reason the Microsoft installer was trying to unpack the install packages to an external drive that I have connected to my USB hub. This was causing the install of the Microsoft packages to fail.

I thought this might be the same reason the Articulate installer was failing - as I understand it auto downloads the Microsoft packages - so I disconnected from my USB hub and ran the Articulate installer again – it installed first time with no errors. I don’t know why the Microsoft packages were being unpacked to an external drive and not my local drive but that was the problem.

Looking forward to testing 360 now.


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Thanks Steve for the update and I'm glad we were able to connect you with James to get this set up and fixed! James is actually one of our Engineers who has been building and working on Articulate 360. If you need Supports assistance again, pleas reach out here in the forums or connect with our Support Engineers here. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Julien,

Thanks for sharing an image here in regards to the installation issues you're seeing. It sounds like the installation just freezes at that point - does it crash after a period of time or just stays at that point indefinitely? What Windows OS are you using as well? You'll want to confirm that at a minimum you meet the requirements here.  It may be something easier to work on in a Support case with our Engineers so that they can pull more information from your system about installing. 

Sviat Kiral

Hi, guys

I have a problem with installing Storyline 360 desktop app

Laptop is Lenovo ThinkPad W520

OS is Windows 10

Problem in particular is following:

Installation of Articulate 360 goes smoothly. And while I am trying to install from it Storyline 360 - installation process reaches approximately 95% on progress bar and never finish.

Last time I run install process for 10 hours and still nothing

So I think I have 2 questions:

1) How to completely remove Articulate 360 from laptop

2) Maybe some tips whether I should pay attention to something during installation process?

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