Storyline 360 on High Resolution Displays (including 4K)

Feb 20, 2020

Storyline 360 still appears NOT to support proper display scaling. It looks blurry on my new Surface Laptop (4:3) 2256 x 1504 when display scaling is on (either at 125 or 150%).  However other apps (Microsoft PowerPoint etc.) are fine.

Switching to native resolution makes it all much sharper but the UI is too tiny for comfortable working.

I'm about to buy a 4K monitor and am concerned that Storyline will be unusable on it (i.e. blurry). Any guidance on where Articulate are at with display scaling and high resolution displays generally? We are seeing more and more of these displays.

48 Replies
John Curran

Been doing some more research on this issue. This from Microsoft:

Use or deploy Universal Windows Platform (UWP) applications instead of Win32 applications.

Modern (UWP) apps always scale correctly. If there is a comparable modern app available, you can substitute that app to mitigate the scaling issues. For example, Edge is a modern app that does not cause the DPI Scaling issues that Internet Explorer might experience.

Is Storyline a UWP app?

Glenn Reagon

I would like to see Storyline support 4k resolution (3840x2160) monitors natively and not have to rely on 3rd party application or Windows scaling in order for Storyline to look as it should.

I also have a 32 inch 4k monitor (ASUS ProArt PA32UC) and Storyline 360 doesn't look very good on it.  Everything has a fuzzy texture to it including text no matter what Windows scaling percentage I select.  Even doing the DPI override setting within the icon .exe doesn't do very much good.

More and more content creators and eLearning designers are using 4k monitors due to their color accuracy and sharpness, a shame that app developers are not supporting these resolutions.

Dishant Langayan

So when is the support for 4K displays coming? Although storyline is fine on a 2560x1440 resolution, all my other apps are not. It is ridiculous that I have to update my resolution just when working with articulate. It is becoming frustrating to a point that I'm already exploring authoring tools from other companies.

Ren Gomez

Hi Dishant and Jeff,

Thanks for the follow-up! This feature hasn't made it to the top of our roadmap,  but we have a report of folks who have requested it, and I can add you to that.

I appreciate you sharing the additional insight with the resolution differences between apps and will be sure to include this pain point as we push for this request!

Lindsay Maisel

Same. Such a bummer to buy a powerful machine with a 4k monitor, to design stunning courses on a scaled down display because of the authoring tool's limitations... I have a laptop with a 4k OLED screen that is geared down to 1920 because I use SL daily and can't work in the 4k view layout with the microscopic text.. Been asking for this in support tickets for years now......


I think this should be top priority!  Most designers/content creators/elearners in 2021 are using 2k/4k displays.  We have to work with other software packages (Premiere/3D/After affects etc) that require high resolutions with an ever growing demand for 4k output to a many platforms.  Please get this fixed.