Storyline and Canvas (SCORM)

May 17, 2023

Hi all, 

I've been creating some interactivities in Storyline and exporting them into Canvas.

I would like to add an essay/free form text box into the interactivity (it is a question type in Storyline) and have it show up in Canvas. 

I am able to see the grades from the interactivity when its completed. The details I can see are completion rate  and % correct. Is that the extent of SCORM information in Cavas? Should I be able to see the essay responses?

Where is this data found? What are the correct SCORM publish settings? 1.2, xAPI, SCORM2004?




4 Replies
Steven Benassi

Hi Mike!

It sounds like you had some questions about the extent of feedback that gets reported to your LMS (Canvas). I see that you've already opened a support case and connected with my colleague Johnrey. You're in excellent hands working with him!

It looks like Johnrey replied to your e-mail with some feedback and solutions. I'd suggest giving those a try to see if that does the trick!

We'll continue this conversation over in your support case.

Kelly Auner

Hi Sangeetha,

Welcome to the E-Learning Heroes community!

It looks like Johnrey shared this article with Mike that lists which quiz and survey data Storyline sends to an LMS. How the quiz data is interpreted and processed may vary depending on which LMS you use, so I recommend reaching out to your LMS administrator for more information if needed.

I hope this helps! If you have specific questions please feel free to ask them here or privately in a support case if you prefer.