Success Factors not recording Quiz Data from Storyline

Aug 17, 2016


My company recently purchased SuccessFactors as our global LMS solution, which is cool. All of the courses I had been publishing to my local LMS solution, TalentLMS, have worked great and have converted with no issues in SuccessFactors. However, all of the quizzes I've created in Storyline are not translating to show the scoring data in SuccessFactors. Let me explain so this hopefully makes better sense.

All of the content I've created, I have done as 2 separate files; 1 SCORM file is the course, the other SCORM file is the quiz. Both SCORM files are 1.2. The reason I did this is because then I could pull scoring data from the quizzes separately vs. only using slides viewed. In TalentLMS, I am able to pull reports on the SCORM Quiz files and see scoring and answer data because I have it set to pull from score vs. slide viewed before I publish the course out. But in SuccessFactors I can't see any of that; regardless of the fact that I have it set to pull the score in the publishing settings. 

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong when I'm uploading the file or is it just a quirk in SuccessFactors that any SCORM file is viewed as passed/failed? Any help would be great. 

13 Replies
Christie Pollick

Hi, Shannon -- Thanks so much for reaching out here and sorry to hear of your troubles! While I cannot speak on having used SuccessFactors personally and would need to defer to your fellow community members to assist you further there, may I ask if you are also finding the same type of difficulty when you test your published output via the SCORM Cloud? Here is a great article on How to Troubleshoot Your LMS with SCORM Cloud, as well. 

Leslie McKerchie

Hello Salomé and welcome to E-Learning Heroes :)

This thread is a bit dated and I'm not sure if Shannon is still subscribed here. It does not look like she has the 'Contact Me' option enabled on her profile either.

We typically advise testing via SCORM Cloud for comparison and identifying if an issue lies within the project file or the LMS, but it sounds like you are already pinpointing the LMS based on your Moodle testing.

Hopefully some community members will be able to chime in and help here, otherwise you may want to reach out to your LMS.

Kyle Yates

Hi Shannon,

I had a similar problem that I just managed to solve on the Success Factors side after much frustration.  SCORM cloud was working well but SF wasn't exporting the actual score.  I'm not sure if this will answer your question but in Success factors reporting I searched for "Score Summary" instead of the typical item status.  Item status will only display pass/fail or complete/incomplete but a Score Summary csv has a score column.  


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