Survey questions - Short answer question

Oct 30, 2020

Hi all,

I am new to Articulate and want to start by setting some questions. The first question is a short answer which is a built in survey question in Articulate Storyline 360.

I have a trigger that has automatically appeared which is submit button. Submit short answer when the user clicks submit. My issue is that when I preview or publish and view there is no submit button. 

Has anyone got any advise for a newbie who wants to use questions.

2 Replies
Joe Hauglie

Liz - are you working from a local directory (your C drive) or a networked location? You probably know that the products do not work well (or at all) from a networked drive. Make sure you're working from your C:/ drive.

Check your slide properties fields (see attachment). By default, the "submit" button is probably disabled.

Hope this helps -



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