Text displaying differently on layers, but formatted the same?

Feb 17, 2014

Good afternoon all,

I'm currently trying to sort out some text issues in my module, I have one slide with 4 layers, 3 of those layers display the text as I want it to look:

Whilst one of the layers displays the text differently even though I have checked all the formatting to ensure it is identical:

I'm not sure where I'm going wrong? The text boxes both appear to be formatted identically yet there is always a difference. There is also no difference when editing the slides however once I preview the project it shows differences in the text.

Whilst editing, both sets of text appear like this (they look the same):

Any ideas?

15 Replies
Daniel Brigham

Hi, Joshua: Something like this occurred on my quiz feedback layers on a course last year. Not sure what was causing it, but you might try using format painter: select the text box that always appears as it should (hopefully you have at least one of those?) and then paste that formatting onto the text boxes that are more problematic.

From what I can tell, the font and size is consistent. It's the color of the font that isn't.

Joshua Roberts

Daniel Brigham said:

Hi, Joshua: Something like this occurred on my quiz feedback layers on a course last year. Not sure what was causing it, but you might try using format painter: select the text box that always appears as it should (hopefully you have at least one of those?) and then paste that formatting onto the text boxes that are more problematic.

From what I can tell, the font and size is consistent. It's the color of the font that isn't.

Thanks Daniel, 

I'll give that a go, seems a very odd error, but I keep noticing it at various points. Is there any word from Articulate on this? At least I have a potential fix to try, I'll let you know how this goes!

Again, thank you for the advice.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Joshua,

I would agree with Daniel, that you'll want to begin by ensuring that the text boxes are the same using the format painter. If you'd like to share your Storyline file with us, we're also happy to take a look - I can't tell from this image a color difference, although maybe the fonts look weighted differently? 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Joshua,

Without seeing your file it's hard to know for certain, but some other things you may want to check that could cause some odd behavior:

If you're able to share the file with us, we'll be happy to take a look. If you'd prefer to share privately, I can send you directions to share with me directly and you're always welcome to connect with our support engineers. 

Joshua Roberts

Ashley Terwilliger said:

Hi Joshua,

Without seeing your file it's hard to know for certain, but some other things you may want to check that could cause some odd behavior:

If you're able to share the file with us, we'll be happy to take a look. If you'd prefer to share privately, I can send you directions to share with me directly and you're always welcome to connect with our support engineers. 

I've managed to find the cause.

I use a %yourname1% variable in the module, however when this is used in character speech (to reference the user's name) it distorts the appearance of the text it appears in. This morning I copied and pasted all the 'suspect' text boxes together and the common denominator was that variable piece, I removed it and I now have 100% uniform text.

Thanks for the responses guys, any idea why this would happen?

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Joshua,

Thanks for the update and I'm glad you got it working. I'm not sure I'm clear though, was the variable reference being displayed in a font you hadn't used or just causing some display issues on your slide? If you'd like to share your file with us I'm happy to take a look and see if I can gather a bit more information about the cause. 

Joshua Roberts

Ashley Terwilliger said:

Hi Joshua,

Thanks for the update and I'm glad you got it working. I'm not sure I'm clear though, was the variable reference being displayed in a font you hadn't used or just causing some display issues on your slide? If you'd like to share your file with us I'm happy to take a look and see if I can gather a bit more information about the cause. 

I used the variable reference in a speech bubble sandwiched in a paragraph, just to bring the user's name through. But it caused all the font on the slide to appear slightly different to the standard text (as seen in my original photos). There were subtle differences between the text styles, one appearing thinner than the other. As I said, any slide that contained the variable reference was affected.

I'll post up the story file once I've completed the project.


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Thanks Joshua - I know that a variable reference can result in bit "crisper" looking text as I've heard other users mention in the forums, which may be what you were experiencing. It's hard for me to see the differences in the images above as it's quite subtle, so if you get a chance to share your Storyline file that would be great. 

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