Text (numerical) entry issue when user answers any of the correct answers??

Nov 12, 2021

Hi there. I'm working on an interaction where there are 3 numerical entry boxes on the screen for the user to input answers to. Let's say the answers are 1, 2 and 3. I've done this by using a trigger:

show layer "correct" when user clicks "Check answers" button IF NumericEntry1= value 1 AND IF NumericEntry2= value 2 AND IF NumericEntry3= value 3

I then did the same for  show layer "incorrect" when user clicks "Check answers" button IF NumericEntry1 not equal to value 1 etc. etc.


This works OK except for if I test in and enter all three answers as "1" or all three answers as "2" (or all as "3"). i.e. if ANY of the correct answers are given as answers. In these cases, when I click the "Check answers" button, nothing happens at all!


I have NOT set these up as 'question' slides, as it seems you can only have one text/numerical entry box per slide and I want all 3 on the same slide.

Any help much appreciated! I've attached a much simpler example of the file to avoid sharing copyrighted images on the original.


Many thanks


7 Replies
Maria Costa-Stienstra

Hi, Cath.

I just checked the .story file you attached, and changing the Oops trigger to OR, as Judy suggested, works. I tried with 1/1/1, and it shows the "Oops" layer. 

Are you having issues with a different .story file? If so, would you be comfortable sharing the file here or maybe a screenshot of your triggers?

Cathy Shields

Thank you for picking this up again Maria - I re-tested it and it works now... I think something was glitching that day (I had also been staring at it for so long that it had ceased making any sense!).

Thanks both for your advice. It is great that there is a community who can help so rapidly!
