Text placeholder in template

Mar 09, 2015

In my template, I have layouts in the slide master that are left or right justified. When I insert a page into a new course from the template, the text justification looks correct, but after I enter text, the text center justifies.

3 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Glenn,

Are you able to see that the correct slide master is also being pulled over when you insert a slide based on a template? Is the next not then able to be centered manually or it just comes in wrong at first? Just trying to get a better sense of when/how this happens. Have you already confirmed to be working locally as described here? 

If you're still having difficulty and have confirmed to be working locally could you share a sample so that we could see how you have this set up and try to replicate the behavior? 

Glenn Simsek

I solved the problem; the slide master held multiple text placeholders with left, right, and center alignment. After some testing, I found that Storyline behaves erratically (i.e., text in left aligned placeholder jumps center after text entry) when too many placeholders with varying alignment are on the slide master.

I was able to successfully insert 3 text placeholders; 2 left aligned and 1 right aligned. I used regular text fields on the slide level, which the developer has to block first to make changes.

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