Timeline does not pause when Exit Popup is opened

Jun 28, 2014


We have created a course using Articulate Storyline and having issue with the exit popup.   

In the course, we have added a popup on a layer which appears on clicking Exit button for confirmation if user really wants to close the course.    

We have selected the option “Pause timeline of base layer” in the Slide Layer Properties for the popup.

On the interactive screens (e.g. screen with tabs), when we click the exit button, the popup appears but the base layer timeline does not pause.

The issue mentioned above appears randomly.

Attached is screenshot of “Slide Layer Properties” for your reference.

Please let us know if there is any workaround to resolve this issue.

Thanks for your help!

1 Reply
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Ulka,

Since you mentioned it happened randomly, I'd like to have you check into the following:

  • First, double check that all the slide's properties are set to pause the timeline, as each slide can be set up individually. 
  • Next I'd want to know if you're seeing this behavior while previewing or when playing the published output? If it's the published output, where are you testing it? You'll want to test within the intended environment and not locally to prevent any odd behavior during playback. 
  • Work on your local drive (your C: drive).Working on a network drive or a USB drive can cause erratic behavior, includingfile corruption, loss of audio, and other unexpected behavior. 
  • You should also make sure the directory pathto your project files and your published output is less than 260 characters(for example C:\Articulate).
  • Avoid using special characters, accents orsymbols in your file names.

If you've been working off a network or USB drive, you could try importing the project into a new file to try and resolve any odd behavior. 

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