Triggers aren't working.

Aug 10, 2014

I'm having such a big issue. I have on one slide, 6 buttons that open up 6 layers. I have each layer's state "hide images on main slide and set to initial setting", but this is what's happening:

My base layers are showing and the X isn't hiding the layer! What did I do wrong?

I'm on my home laptop-could that be something? None of the triggers seem to be working either. Please help me

7 Replies
Nancy Woinoski

Hi Katie, it is hard to determine why your triggers are not working without seeing your story file. Sometimes the trigger order is the issue. How do you have your triggers set up for the x button on each layer?

i would do it this way. Make sure the x is on each layer. Select the x on each layer and insert a trigger that closes the layer when it is clicked. If that x is text, you might want to put a hotspot or transparent shape over it and add the trigger to the shape instead of the text.

as for your base images showing on the layer, go to the timeline on each layer. You will see at the bottom of the timeline that all the base images are listed. Click the eyeball for each of the images you want to hide. This should do the trick.

Nancy Woinoski

Hi Katie, you can attach your file to this post by clicking on the paper clip icon.

Storyline reads the triggers in order from top to bottom so if, for example, you have a trigger that says jump to the next slide before a trigger that says change the state of x to y, storyline would jump to the next slide before it even gets to the second trigger.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Katie,

It looks like you shared the Powerpoint that you may have used as a starting template for your Storyline course - we'll want to see the .story file if you're still having difficulty with the triggers. In regards to trigger order, you may want to review the article here on how triggers are executed.

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