User selection for automatic slide advance

Jun 06, 2013

I would like to provide the learner with the ability to select the slide advance to me manual or automatic.  Is there a trigger state for that or do I need to write a script?

4 Replies
eLearning Development


I read your post and the thought quite intrigues me.  I have not tried it yet but here is my initial thought.

I would have a true/false variable called autoadvance.  Then on my slide master I would make a button with two states for auto advance on or off.  That button would toggle the variable to true or false.

Then on each slide you could put a trigger that says advance to next slide on condition autoadvance = true.  That way they could change their mind at any point in the program.

I think it would be pretty cool.  If I have time later I will give it a try.


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