Using triggers with Video from Website

Mar 30, 2016


I have a video from a website embedded in my course on a page that users go to to access other pages. I would like for the video to go away if the user has gone to a page from the menu (the video autoplays so its awkward to hear over an over again). Is there any trigger that I can use to stop/pause/get rid of the video?

6 Replies
Mike B.

You can use Vimeo's javascript API to monitor and control the playback of the video:

If you simply want to hide the video when they re-visit the slide, you might be able to place it on a slide layer, and only show that layer the first time the user visits the slide. I might test this out myself now...

Mike B.

Glad that helped!

I know what you mean. Sometimes I start out thinking of a way to do something with a bunch of variables, and then find out SL already has a feature that makes it much easier to accomplish. The developers really did think through things well when creating the software. I can't wait to see what future versions will look like.

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