Going past gamification to creating an actual game (example linked)!

Dec 16, 2023


I've been testing the limits of what Storyline can do over the years in various jobs/contracts/personal projects, and I finally took the time out to create something that can actually be shared with others! 

In this example, I had to leverage tons of variables and states, audio/scene tricks and balancing, etc. to try and create one seamless experience. 

The project contains an experience/leveling system (which opens up more options later on), branching paths, drag and drops, audio and video tricks, and all kinds of other things. If anyone is curious as to how I got anything to work, I'm free to answer here, which is why I started this discussion. 

Link here: https://360.articulate.com/review/content/2bfcbdd5-79fc-4c47-834f-4a6b23701aa2/review

7 Replies
Bianca Woods

This project turned out fantastically! You really captured so many of the game aspects and aesthetics of mystery games and visual novels.

For the sections of the game that were mainly dialogue between characters, did that all happen on a single slide with different layers? Or did you come up with a different way to manage those interactions?