trends in learning and development

May 14, 2017

What do you do to keep yourself updated in trends in learning and development ?

Please recommend online groups/websites/resources that could help.

Thanks !



21 Replies
Dave Ferguson

For connecting with individuals, I rely heavily on Twitter (where I'm @dave_ferguson). If you're not professionally active there already, a good way to get started is to search for people you already know or know of: See what they share, and see who they follow.

David Anderson, Tom Kuhlmann, Allison LaMotte, and Trina Rimmer, for example, all have accounts.

Tools like TweetDeck or HootSuite will let you create filters, such as displaying only tweets from a Twitter list that you set up for yourself.

Christien Lee

In addition to keeping up with trends in eLearning using many of the same sources people have already posted, I find that keeping up with trends in at least one other industry and then thinking about how those changes / developments / trends / ideas can apply to eLearning is a good way to come up with relevant new ideas and to stay fresh.

I've often read about something seemingly unrelated to eLearning but that could be adapted or that sparks an interesting idea. And sometimes these are the most interesting ideas to look into and play around with, for me at least.

Jackie Van Nice

Hi Dee!

The eLearning Guild is a great resource for staying on top of trends in the field. They offer lots of resources and research, and attending their conferences (and/or other elearning conferences) is an easy way to see what's up and what's coming up in our field. 

I like Christien's ideas of keeping up with trends in other fields, then thinking of how you could apply them to elearning. I think of that all the time when it comes to web design, films, advertising and marketing... lots of related areas that can make us look a whole lot better as designers if we pay attention. :)  

Ashley Chiasson

Interacting with other individuals: Twitter (@amdchiasson), LinkedIn, E-Learning Heroes

There are several communities I participate in: the Instructional Design sub-reddit, Online Network of Independent Learning Professionals (a LinkedIn group that meets in real-time every second Thursday)

For research/staying current: The E-learning Guild, ATD, and I subscribe to a bunch of journals (JOLT, MERLOT, Contact North, etc.).

Destery Hildenbrand

I recommend looking through Google+ Communities. People love to talk and showcase things they are working on. Ther's som legwork involved and vetting but overall it's a good resource.

eLearning Feeds
Educational Technology and Mobile Learning
eLearning Industry

Above are a few of the feeds I follow. Make sure your networking locally and nationally with groups mentioned already. Engage your peers in discussions like this as often as you can :)

Good luck.



Refugio Jones

Hi Dee,

Depending on where you live, I would look into joining a user group around e-Learning, Learning Development, Web Development, Virtual Reality, and so on. The Elearning Industry website & email news subscription posts an annual Elearning trends and Challenges. Also, I've gone back to school to take a class or two per year. I like how college students are willing to use tools and tricks that might not become mainstream for a while.

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