Comments disappeared in Review

Nov 08, 2022

Hello everyone!

Please help me figure out why the comments in the review disappeared.

In the evening I published a new version of the course. Later, on the same day, it was tested and comments were left. When I opened the course in the morning to see the new comments, there were none.

There is no way to view new comments. I tried to republish the course - nothing has changed. Has anyone encountered this before? Did you manage to open the comments?

I will be very grateful for any ideas!

21 Replies
Luciana Piazza

Hi Kate, 

Thanks so much for reaching out! So sorry to hear you are experiencing difficulties seeing your comments within Review 360. Happy to help! 

First, I'd like to share a Review 360 User Guide that explains how to check that you have enabled comments within your project:

Disable and Re-Enable Comments for a Project

If you are still having difficulty viewing comments, perhaps this User Guide for reviewing comments will be of assistance! It explains how to utilize the Review and Feedback tabs in more detail. 

If that doesn't seem to do the trick, I'd recommend opening a support case so that our Support Engineers can get a closer look and assist you further!  

I hope this helps!

Into Lead

Hi, any news or updates on this issue?

We are experiencing the same problem with Review 360: some comments come through and show as they should, and some disappear. A reviewer left many comments yesterday, we've received email notifications for them, but they are nowhere to be seen.  I've checked the resolved comments, and previous versions as well, but to no avail.

Any advice and help are highly appreciated.

Best wishes,
Petri Home / Intolead

Kelly Auner

Hi Petri Home/Intolead, and thanks for reaching out!

I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing this issue. It was a great call checking previous versions of the project. I've opened a support case on your behalf so we can further investigate what's going on. You'll be hearing from one of our Support Engineers soon via email!

William DeLorenzo

I just had the same issue happen to me with many new comments that I left on my own course on Friday (1/20) morning. I went back in today, and they are missing. I checked that I didn't republish the course under a new name. It says it was last updated on 1/20, yet none of the 1/20 comments are there.

Don Finch

Upon further inspection of our own dynamics, the case of mysterious vanishing comments, was actually a user action.  They published to Review360 as a NEW ITEM. Even though the course name was the same "Topic A & B v1", Review360 in fact created two review objects with the exact same name. Depending on which you clicked on, the comments were there, or not.  Perhaps this is not the mysterious behavior others alluded to, but this explained the vanishing act.

Seth Wickham


I would also like to state that I am currently experiencing this issue as well. A client and I went through a project together, adding comments to the review link. However, now the notes are nowhere to be found, including alternate versions. I only wanted to add my voice to this thread to increase the urgency of getting this issue resolved.



Jose Tansengco

Hello Seth, 

Sorry to hear that you experienced a similar issue. 

There isn't one specific cause for this behavior as each reported case was caused by different factors. We'll need to take a look at your Review 360 link to figure out what caused the issue, as well as locate where your comments went if possible. Would you be willing to open a case with our support team here so we can investigate? Please include the Review 360 link containing the missing comments.

Paul Zamora

Had the same issue: had about 12 comments; fixed the issues from a Rise Course, republished to Review and did a versional.  All the Comments were gone with the new version.  i checked the feedback repository and checked to see if they showed up in the Resolved; they did not.

I had the same think happen yesterday on a different course. The publish to Review from Rise did act a little differently and on first try it didn't even recognize the previous course version. It prompted as if it were a new course (RISE.)  

I shut down, and tried it again, then the option to do a version appeared.  I believe it was the result of changing the title.  In Rise, I tagged my Rise Course with a special character, as I do to distinguish versionals (same process I do in Storyline360.)  However, I did change it back to the original title - exactly.  I believe this is what triggered Rise to Review publish to think it was a new course (Probably a tracking cookie).  

When I shutdown all browsers and the Articulate 360 window, relaunch, and go back into RISE, that is when I had the prompt to publish to review a new or version. 

So I caution to not tag titles as versions, even though you change it back.  It could have bad consequences.  I think this is what wiped out my previous comments, though I can't be sure, but it does sound plausable.

Hope this isn't too confusing.

Beth Panzini

I am experiencing the same issues, very frustrating.  I am the owner of a  Rise course where Reviewers placed their comments.  I made edits to the lesson text, then went to Share / Publish new version / Publish a new version of an existing item, carefully making sure I select the correct existing item.  This updates the Rise content, but does not show the existing comments from previous publishes.

This statement is from the User Guide Luciana posted at the top of this conversion -  "Comments roll forward with each new version, so you’ll see comments for the version you selected and all versions"

The comments are not rolling forward.  Please provide instructions on how to have them present in each publish.  The steps in the User Guide are not working. 

Steven Benassi

Hi Beth!

Sorry to hear you are also experiencing issues with comments disappearing after updating your Rise course.

I see that you've already opened a support case. Great move! It looks like my teammate Darwin just picked it up. You're in excellent hands working one on one with him and he should be reaching out to you shortly!

We'll continue this conversation over in your support case.

Selma Dorrestein

I'm having the same issue, the comments disappeared after I removed the current question bank and inserted a new one. I suspect it is because the comments were linked to the question bank. However, normally when I remove/edit a page that has comments on it, the comments still appear, but they are listed under 'removed slide' or something like that.

I can still go back and see the comments on the previous version though, luckily.