Sharing folders from Review 360?

Nov 18, 2019

It seems like if you can make folders in Review 360, you should be able to share the entire folder, instead of having to give separate links to each published item.  Or am I missing something?

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Kelly Auner

Hi, everyone!

I have some great news to share!

We’ve just released an update for Review 360 which includes cool new features: 

New: Create shared team folders in Review 360 to organize your content, assign permissions, and invite collaborators. You can even allow multiple authors to publish new versions of a course to the same Review 360 project.

And because Review 360 is a web app, there's nothing to install! New features and fixes are available immediately.

Please let us know if you have any questions by reaching out to our Support Engineers directly.

Have a great day!

59 Replies
Jacques LeCavalier

I was just looking for this feature today and read through this multi-year discussion. I have used Articulate software for years and years, and your service and support quality has always been head and shoulders above any other software company I know, including of course the huge ones like Microsoft and Google, who basically have NO service. But taking more than 3 years to implement this highly in-demand feature has made your halo shine much less brightly. Perhaps you have new leaders who don't see keeping customers happy as a high priority any longer.

Kelly Auner

Hi, everyone!

I have some great news to share!

We’ve just released an update for Review 360 which includes cool new features: 

New: Create shared team folders in Review 360 to organize your content, assign permissions, and invite collaborators. You can even allow multiple authors to publish new versions of a course to the same Review 360 project.

And because Review 360 is a web app, there's nothing to install! New features and fixes are available immediately.

Please let us know if you have any questions by reaching out to our Support Engineers directly.

Have a great day!

Erin Flage

Yep, I just got really excited when I saw the announcement and then I was reading the documentation and saw that sharing an entire folder (the original request) has still not been implemented.

So I guess my Google spreadsheet checklist of items my clients need to review isn't going away yet.

Michelle Rothenbecker

This update doesn’t really seem to cover any of the use cases in this thread. Do you have something shareable for what use cases this does help, as it doesn’t seem like a relevant update? Is there somewhere we should put this request to help move it along or help write meaningful use cases?

Adrian Harvey

I've been banging on about this for years as have many others. Now over four years later an exciting announcement that we have ".....shared team folders in Review 360"

With respect that's NOT what has been asked for for over four years! What has been asked for is to be able to share folders rather than single files with REVIEWERS.   There was never a problem with sharing with team collaborators!

My last post on this was 2 years ago..... I gave up asking..... Very disappointing Articulate, and for the life of me I can't see what's so complicated about the request!