Turn off email alerts?

Oct 04, 2017

Hi, is there anyway to turn off the email alerts with review? I'm finding that for each individual comment by my developer makes for example, I get an individual email for each one. I am starting to react to these emails and am jumping back in willy nilly - it;s all getting a bit crazy with lots of comments from me and my developer as he builds and i check.

I think it would be better to turn off the email alerts during the process - can we do that?


Cheers, Gabby

59 Replies
Gabrielle Hartin

Lovely ta!

*Gabrielle Hartin **M'Ed, Grad Cert HRM, B'Ed, TAE40110, DISC Certified
Facilitator, VIT 170299*

*Snr Consultant:* *Learning & Development Services/VET Education *

*m*: 0415 446 397 | *e*: ghartinthermo@gmail.com

*In: * https://au.linkedin.com/in/gabrielle-hartin-9694352

Shannon McGinnis

Hi Ashley,

Is there a way to mute notifications for my reviewers who do not have Articulate licenses? I'm at a stage in my project where two reviewers and I are working through changes that we'll present to the final approver. He has contributed and wants to step out again until I finish these edits. Thank you.

Supercaster Training

Thanks for the explanation, Ashley. In the future it would be extremely useful for developers like myself to be able to turn off notifications altogether, by which I mean let me make notes on a comment without it firing off an email to my client. For me it basically defeats the utility of getting feedback through the Review tool.

John Mcleod

I totally agree John, as it stands now, it is challenging for our clients. We want to have internal discussions about the comments before they are resolved, and we have to train the clients to turn off the notifications. It is a bit of friction for us, especially if there are multiple client-side reviewers contributing. Would be a big win for us if Articulate was able to create a developers ability to turn off the notifications as they see fit.

Dan Kuemmel

Hi Articulate Team - It would make a great platform even better if a feature could be added that allows us to shut notifications off globally for all reviewers. This would prevent every single SME and reviewer from having to go back into a review file and change their notification settings. We have SMEs that are getting tons of emails after their reviews are completed. 

Client relationships are paramount and we want to make things as easy on our SMEs and clients as possible. Most SMEs and reviewers aren't familiar with the various options and settings inside the review tool. Their time is valuable and we don't want to clog up their inbox or have to provide additional instructions if they aren't needed. 

I know y'all work really hard and have a lot on your plate as it is. I'm appreciative of the work you put into a great product. The review tool is a very easy way to track comments and updates to Articulate courses. If you could add this feature it would be a big win for developers, SMEs, and reviewers. 

Andreas Kuswara

This feature would be very useful to "end" a review cycle, as we "go back to our shop" to make fixes before starting another round of review with the same (or different) reviewer. 

in the meanwhile, how to work around this? If I, as the course owner, publish a new version of the course to review 360, will it inherit the comments? and if I responded to that comment, would the old reviewer still receive the email notifications?

or do I need to publish a completely new review? (with new URL link).

Laura Stuart-Berry

Just adding my voice to this. The client receiving an individual email every time I respond to a comment means I just cannot use this function at all.

I'd love the ability to respond to comments and then, when you've done the final one, have an option to email comments to reviewers. The reviewer gets a summary email of both their comments and my response from that round, with a link to access Review 360 in case they want to respond further.

That's another key point, my reviewers have pointed out that even if the wave of emails didn't drive them crazy, the email notification they get only shows my answer and not their query. They can't always remember what they said so then they have to come into Review 360 to see what I'm responding to.

A simpler compromise would be to have a button we can click once we've finished answering comments that sends one email to the reviewer alerting them that we've responded, with the link to access Review 360 if they want to view our responses and potentially comment further.

Whatever the fix, it needs to work for both those with Articulate IDs and without, most clients don't have Articulate.


Mark Digiacomo

Adding my voice to the need for this simple fix. Shouldn't take long to code a simple 'Send review comments" button for the individual reviewer once they have completed their review, or at intervals that make sense to them. Having it be automatic should definitely be entirely options. Articulate folks: Can we get this one done quickly, please? 

Annette de la Vega

Same here. We are creating new course videos and ask lots of people for feedback. These people do not have an Articulate license and there are complaints about the e-mails they receive after giving feedback.

I therefore suggest a general possibility for reviewers to decide witch e-mails they want to receive.
Please update this asap.