Arrows in Process interactive

Feb 12, 2023


Has there been an update to the Process interactive?

I use the Introduction slide in a Process as a single page by deleting the other slides and hiding the Summary. 

Until recently the navigation arrows didn't appear when there was only one slide. But now both forward and back arrows are visible, even when there are no other slides. This change is very frustrating as I use this format a lot to emphasise certain information or for specific activities such as further reading. The arrows imply there are further slides when there isn't and detract from the single slide.

If there hasn't been an update, why is this now appearing and how do it get rid of the arrows?

If there was an update, why have you changed the setting so the navigation arrows are always visible?

4 Replies
LiG Playmakers Designer

We're having this issue too. Unfortunately our solution was to add a first page and force users to click next, to make the arrows make sense. I think alternatively, you could just use a text block. But it's also not a great solution. I love how process blocks provide a visual break for learners and can really highlight element. But sometimes, I don't actually want a process. I just want the visual change. 

If you find a work around, please let me know! 

Brooke Lombard

Hello LiG Playmakers Designer

Thanks for your reply. That's exactly what I use it for. The single slide is a simple, clean block and the background fill helps it stand out beautifully without being overpowering. 

I love that Articulate is always trying to improve the product but some changes just don't make sense.

Hope you're having a lovely day :) 

Brooke Lombard

Hello Karl

Thanks for the suggestion. I tried Tab but the heading is too small and you can't change the font size in Tab headings.

I tried a text block as LiG Playmakers Designer suggested but any background colour fills the entire block. I liked the process as it stands out from any fill and the image sits within the text.

I ended up using a single Timeline with the heading in the text, not the default Timeline headings (like tab, can't change font size).  It's okay. The learner won't know any different will they...