Can the color theme be changed at the lesson level rather than for the entire course?

Feb 08, 2017

Hello, I'm currently testing out Rise on a trial basis, and am quite impressed.  I'm wondering if the color scheme can be changed at the lesson level rather than for the entire course.  I think having the ability to color-code lessons based on a particular content area could be helpful.  At the same time, it would be nice to be able to change the cover photo at the lesson level as well for the very same reason.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Marty Evans

6 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Cool idea Marty - I can definitely pass that along to the team for another idea how to customize and enhance what you're seeing in Rise! You could look at the options shared here to link to other Rise lessons/courses - as that way you could customize each one and modify the colors/cover photos. 

Fergus Connolly

Any update on this? It would be really useful for some of my projects if the accent color could be set by Lesson as well as by Course. It doesn't seem like it should be that difficult technically to implement this but would really help to add differentiation where a course's lessons deal with different topics, especially where the course is on the longer end.