Feature request: Browser version checking

Feb 21, 2017

It would be helpful if Rise would warn the learner if they are using a browser version that is too old to view a Rise course. Not everyone is going to be on the latest version of Chrome in an imperfect world, and I am seeing issues reported regarding my Rise courses that I attribute to users being on old versions of Chrome, e.g. lessons layering on top of each other when the user clicks each section.

Could there be a banner message that says something like, "This version of Chrome is not supported. Please upgrade to a supported browser?" Or maybe even give us a lesson object that does this check and then shows a customized message like, "Please contact the helpdesk at 5-5555 for assistance in upgrading your browser..."

6 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Will,

I know that you and Alyssa were also talking about browser support in this forum discussion, so I wanted to link that here for anyone following along. 

What you will find is that Chrome version 54 (the version available when Rise was released first released in November 2016) is the earliest we'll be able to include that banner message when Rise surpasses the abilities of that older version. Rise is based and developed with the latest browser technology in mind, and ever evolving. So although a user wouldn't have to be on the latest version today (Chrome 55) as the Rise platform continues to evolve there will come a time that they may need to update from Chrome 54. 

We'll want to keep hearing how this impacts your course development and users, so please continue to share the feedback with us in ELH or using the feature form here. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Storyline 360 was released at the same time as Rise, so the requirements there also note the latest version of Chrome - but you'll see earlier version numbers for browsers such as IE. So perhaps if the users are locked down into not using the updated versions you could direct them to other browsers such as IE? Storyline 360 did include the IE10 browser for HTML5 support so that should also help if they're in an environment that has Flash locked down. 

Steven Crocker

We use cornerstone and have both google chrome and IE 11 as used browsers. I published a Rise course as a SCORM 1.2 and uploaded into cornerstone. The course only plays in Chrome, not in IE11. This is hard for us because most vendor courses our company uses works best in IE and we ask employees to always launch cornerstone in IE.  Now we have a problem because this only works in Chrome, so we have to set up messaging to users to log into cornerstone via Chrome for this specific course. It is getting confusing for our users.

Can someone help explain why this issue is occuring?

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