Getting "Import failed: Check formatting or re-export translation" when trying to import translated XLIFF file in Rise course

Oct 04, 2018


I translated my Rise course (EN > FR) using MateCat. When I try to import the translated text, I get the error message "Import failed: Check formatting or re-export translation"

I've checked the state of the exported XLIFF file and it has the correct info, as far as I can tell.
<target xml:lang="fr-FR" state="translated">TEST</target>

Has anyone found a solution to this issue?

32 Replies
Crystal Horn

Hi there, Yannik.  Translating your course is supposed to be easy, so I'm sorry you got stuck with an error message. 

We'd be happy to have a closer look.  Could you work with our support team?  We can give you instructions for sharing your course and your XLIFF file so we can test on our end.  Thanks!  

Amaia Quesada

Dear Crystal
I am now also running into the same issue. I got a translation implemented into Rise 360 earlier last week but now when I try to import different translated files into a duplicated file, I get the "import failed" message and I don't understand what the problem is.
Is there a way you can help me?

Amaia Quesada

Hi Alyssa! Thanks for your answer!
I used the file that I had exported earlier on from a different version of the course. I wasn't aware that the xlf file was specific to a certain file on Rise and that the export had to be done from the same version where the import would be done later on. Thanks a lot for sending the detailed link as well! All clear now.

MSF Canada

I am having similar issues. Import fails. I have read and followed all tips. This is the file. I am using Lokalise. Any tips on download settings? Or can someone perhaps recommend best/easiest software to use?

I have also tried with matecat, with the same "import failed" message. That is the second attachment.

Amaia Quesada

Hi Alyssa, 

Quick follow up question, as I am running into the same problem again and I'm a bit worried.

I created a duplicate of my course, I exported the .xlf file, I imported the translated version (it was just a test to start with) then the translator translated more content and sent me the updated file back. I try importing it and it doesn't work.

If I'm not mistaken, for a previous similar project I worked with, it was possible to upload the same file with different updates at numerous occasions. There shouldn't be a problem with this, right?

Do you think that the problem lies on how the translator is dealing with the file? Is there a way you can support to see if the file properties have changed comparing to the original export?

Thanks a lot in advance!

Crystal Horn

Yes, as long as they're using the same original XLIFF file from that version of the course, you should be able to upload the translation. My team can have a look at the files to see if we notice anything different with the formatting (and potentially help you know where to look next time). Feel free to connect with us here.

Nicole Matushenko

I am having the same issue.  I duplicated my course, then exported the XLIFF.  From there I imported the XLIFF to MateCat, did the translation, then exported the XLIFF.  I opened the duplicate Rise course, tried to import the MateCat XLIFF and received the "import failed" message.

Michael Martel

Hi there Alyssa, we need your help.

We have run into some successes and frustrations with various tools. 

We used and found that we could successfully import a Japanese *.xlf file into Rise (formatting intact - it was a sight to see!) after it has been run through the "XLIFF-to-target converter". If I tried to import the 'raw' *.xlf file into Rise from matecat into Rise = "import failed". Meantime, the successful import was rejected by our Japanese colleagues since the translation was only 65% accurate since matcate did not work well with his TMX bank.

Our Japanese colleague chose Wordbee this time, and he was very happy with the translation, but Rise rejects his *.xlf file "Import failed" (no other info). I even tried to run his *.xlf file through matecat's "XLIFF-to-target converter" and matecat would not accept the file.

Please help me with next steps? Many thanks.

Lea Agato

Hi Shahid, I'm sorry to hear you've also run into issues with translating your course.  This article provides the detailed steps for translating courses in Rise.  If you've already followed the steps in the article and are still running into issues. We'd be happy to take a closer look.  Please open a support case using this form and one of our Support Engineers will get in touch with you directly.