Japanese language support in Rise?

Dec 22, 2016


I'm interested in developing a course to be used in Japan (and likely elsewhere). Any hope that Rise will soon support Japanese? Unfortunately the course is likely to occur this spring, so we don't have a ton of time. Any idea when this might be possible in Rise?


Dan Fletcher

28 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Dan!

Thanks for reaching out and I hope you're enjoying Rise so far!

You could enter Japanese characters into Rise (for me I'd have to just copy/paste from Google Translate) but based on our current font set in Rise we don't have official support for Japanese languages. I don't have an ETA on if this will be added to our product roadmap, but I'll get your note here in the hands of the right people who help steer that! In the meantime, I'd suggest testing out the fonts available and how that works for your current Japanese text. As you're going through this, I also wanted to give you a heads up that there are certain UI labels that are only available in English right now, such as "Correct" in this image (ignore my jibberish Japanese):

The ability to edit those labels will be a new feature in Q1 '17. So stay tuned for that feature, as once it's available it'll be released to you immediately in Rise.

Let me know if you have any other questions and have a wonderful Holiday!

Michael Fimian

Hi Ashley,

How are you today?

Speaking of Dan's Japanese, I've noticed that the small dialogue that appears when first opening 360 is all in Japanese.  My daughter's fluent, but I am not...

Is there a way to rectify this?  Am going to pick up a subscription this weekend (for Christmas, I tell myself) so the problem may go away when I'm fully subscribed...

Have a great Holidays!


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Michael,

I haven't seen the desktop app appear in Japanese, but I know it's appeared in Chinese and I recorded a video on how to change that here.  It's doesn't have anything to do with the trial vs. full version, but seems to happen to some folks as a part of the installation process.

Let us know if that helps, and if not we'll want to get you working with our Support Engineers right away! 

Alyssa Gomez

Hello All!

Happy to announce that you can now customize the default text labels in Rise. This gives you the ability to make built-in course elements, such as buttons and lesson headers, say what you want them to say.

Brian has started a great discussion here if you'd like to check it out and you can find our support documentation here.

As always, we keep our Rise Version History up to date too.

Allison LaMotte

Hi Ryan,

Thanks for reaching out! Unfortunately, I don't have any updates to share with you at this time.

We still don't have built-in support for Japanese, but you can edit the labels yourself to create your own label set in Japanese by copying and pasting the characters into the text labels.

I hope that answers your question! Let me know if there's anything else I can do to help. :)

crystal shu

Hi  Articulate Rise team, I am also seeking your help on Japanese language, I copied/pasted the Japanese text in Rise but the Kanji characters end up incorrect, that's an issue of font. So I went for 'custom scheme' where Japanese font can be uploaded, however, when I uploaded the right font successfully and applied it to the course, there is no change, the font is still as before. 

Could you please help advise? Thank you very much. 


Alyssa Gomez

Hi Mark!

Have you attempted to localize your Rise 360 course to Japanese? Here are a few helpful resources:

David Tait

Hi all,

I've been asked look in to the localisation of a series of Rise courses in to Japanese. Has anyone done this and are there any pitfalls to be aware of?

For example, do any of the fonts that are built in to Rise support Japanese characters or will I need to load a specific font?

If I update the labels to Japanese, will they all behave etc?

Thanks in advance.


Very good chance that Rize existing fonts do not support a double-byte character set. With any of this, test, test and then test again. Let me know if you need further resource. I can share some contacts.



Mark Parkinson

VP of Sales Enablement

[A picture containing clipart Description generated with very high confidence]® CMOE | +1-801-971-1507

Angelo Cruz

Hi David! I've heard some authors were able to successfully translate their Rise courses into Japanese. If you follow Alyssa's tips, you should be off to a good start.

The current font set in Rise doesn't have official support for Japanese languages, you may need to download a language-specific custom font. You may search the Google Fonts website for the fonts you need.