Jump (link) to a different content block within a lesson in Rise

May 25, 2017

Hi everyone,

Little Rise help please. I'm playing around with it and can't figure how to jump from one content block to another in a lesson. 

Example - I am covering a process that has four stages (one lesson per) and each stage has three sub-stages. At the intro of each lesson, I want to list the three sub-stages and have a short intro, then have a link to jump to another block.

I know I can create another lesson for each stage, but that creates a messy TOC and the silly "Lesson x of x" gets out of whack as well - any way to ditch that? Seems like it should be simple to get rid of! :)

60 Replies
Cheryl Watt

Dozens (maybe even hundreds) in this forum (across several inquiries) have requested anchors/jump links within Rise pages. I'd much rather have this feature than many other showy ones you're currently working on. If it's not on the roadmap, it should be. Why do I see messages from 5+ years ago requesting this feature? -- and all the Staff can say is, "It's not our roadmap but we're tracking interest." What the heck. Your subscribers have a voice and we've voted. Are you listening?  

Siti Mariam BAB

I was hoping for this to have had some updates since anchor links to between blocks in a Rise page been a popular request, considering I've seen multiple threads regarding this functionality. I'm really disappointed that we haven't had this available in Rise, or even on the roadmap.

Anchoring is a really important tool for returning learners, or learners who only want to learn about a particular area without having to scroll through all the other content. I really hope it does become available soon.

Adam Stefanski

Have comments for this really been adding up for 2 years since the last "RISE staff" response? If a status update is not possible, can you share some of the barriers that adding this feature causes?

I definitely want the ability to create good content with rise and guide the learner in and out of content where appropriate. The Micro learning is a great new feature, but I cannot create multiple micro learnings and link them to a main course section from which they left.