Move Start Course button?

Feb 11, 2020

In Rise, is it possible to move the Start Course button to immediately below the introductory course text? I'm certain learners are starting the course before reading this important course info. 

35 Replies
Nicole Talley

Thanks Susan for asking this question. I have also been asked to move the Start Button to the bottom of the Introductory page. I will need to inform my customer's that I will not be able to move the button.  I am hoping that in the future we can put the Start Button after the intro to the course. I also believe they are clicking the Start Course without reading all of the information.

Bruna Heinsfeld

That's what always happens with me and my customers. It would be amazing if we could just add the start button after the intro!

I have tried Alyssa's suggestion and, althought it works, the banner can't be moved, so I ended up with a brown banner at the top and a white blank page. :(



Concetta Phillipps

Sheri, change the label to the start course button to all spaces and it disappears. So we change our little instruction section to say go down and select an option to start and it works pretty well. The details button we haven't figured out how to get rid of but if they click that, it goes down to the area where we have them selecting the options anyway.

Kaisa Dahl

Hello peepz :) I've also gotten comments that the Start-button is confusing and learners have  tendency not to read the instructions.

I get that we can do a work-around by putting an extra chapter into the course, but I would also really like the introduction to be part of the main page. 

I've tried using other themes, but the button is still in the same place. I'll try Concettas trick by adding some spaces and see if it dissapears! 

Meanwhile - this should be a easy fix the for the brilliant Rise-developers to do something about :D 

Phil Foss

I noticed this also, depending on screen size, users may not know there is an intro to scroll to. For this course I've simply hidden the Start/Continue button from the hero area. Users are forced to scroll and click on a chapter. This is a heavily modified theme, and required a line of css to hide this button.

hide start button on cover page

Phil Foss

Thanks Karl this was from a trial account so I can't edit that, but I do see that in the settings now, good to know. Also you'll be glad to know you can use vanilla js on the cover page, I've successfully moved the action button below the description with a few lines of js. I'm so happy to have my custom button style back on the cover.

moving elements on cover page with js