Publish New Version Review 360

May 14, 2024

My Manager is the one who originally created the e-learnings. When I have gone in and edited the e-learning in rise when I go to publish a new version of the e-learning the e-learning isn't in the dropdown and forces me to create a new one with every edit. What settings does my manager need to give me to be able to publish a new version in review 360?

1 Reply
Jose Tansengco

Hi Carson,

Happy to help!

Your manager will need to move the original course that they published to Review 360 to a Team Folder and share the folder with you before you can publish a new version of it from your account. They'll need to follow these steps: 

  1. Publish the content to Review 360 (For new courses). Items are stored in the Private root directory when they first publish directly from authoring apps. 
  2. Move it to any folder in the Team directory, including the root folder.
  3. Make sure co-authors have editor access to the folder.

Once the courses have been shared, they should become available to select when you publish to Review 360.