Quiz Retry Options

Oct 26, 2018


I have a number of regulatory modules are employees must pass each year, and the pass rate is 100% (they aren't long quizzes!).

I was wondering if there is an option in Rise to enable the user to restart the quiz as soon as they get an answer wrong?

I have it set to allow them to see if they have got each question right or wrong, and have had a lot of feedback from people saying it's frustrating to have to complete the rest of the quiz if they know they've already failed by getting one wrong.


Thank you!

37 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Heather,

In Rise, there is an option to provide feedback after each question, and an option to allow a learner to retake the entire quiz again from the results screen. There isn't a setting to retake each individual question if answered incorrectly. 

You could also adjust the quiz settings to require that the learner pass before advancing to the next part of the course. Take a look at all the settings you can adjust here! 

Let us know if you need anything else! 

Jeanette Sasse

Based on feedback we've received from our learners, we'd also love to see this suggestion from Matthew implemented! Having the ability to be able to re-try just the questions you got wrong in a Rise quiz will be a big time saver and a less frustrating user experience overall. Interested to hear if this is being worked on, or if it's in the works for upcoming updates. Thanks.

Amber Oakley

It's been 11 months since these suggestions were made, has allowing learners to retry incorrectly answered questions been added to the road map for Rise360?

I've also received a lot of feedback requesting this and it appears a lot of other people would like to see this feature as well.

Stefaniada Voichita

Hi there,

I support supplementing the feature to allow learners to retry incorrectly answered questions only. Would you please add it to the road map for Rise360? Without it, besides being time-consuming, it obstructs learner experience by adding frustration. Learners are so complex, and anyone would find it annoying to redo the good questions to be able to retry the wrong ones; they'll skip through the good ones impatiently, and that's not a positive, meaningful, learner-centred learning experience. I hope it will be considered.

Thanks. Stef

Wendy Rijkhoff-Jonker

Hi Stef, we have also added a feature request (quite some time ago) to allow learners to retry incorrectly answered questions only. This feature is available in Storyline 360 for quite some time and we make use of the workaround to add questions as a Storyline block into the Rise modules. Using a Storyline block with questions also provides additional Q&A opportunities.   

Stefaniada Voichita

Hi Wendy,

Thanks for the response. Can you please let me know which Storyline feature/block type does this? Also, if I use the Storyline block in the Rise module, would it be counted towards the quiz's final results; as this for a quiz students are required to pass when they get 80% correct answers.

Kindly, Stef

Melissa Gladman

4 years and still no progress on this requested feature :( 

When developing content for predominately field based employees who are limited with training time and sometime LLN issues, having this feature available would reduce the frustration of having to resit a large assessment from scratch.  Particularly when there is a 100% pass rate required.  Let's enhance the learners experience not make them dread taking a course.