Forum Discussion

AndrideBeer-137's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Rise - default fonts in player

Hello Rise team.

Firstly I want to thank you for the new feature whereby we can customize our heading and body font in courses. This is amazing!

I do however wonder if it is possible to customize the default font that displays in the course (in the menu and sections).



Andri de Beer

  • Hi Andri!

    We currently have a feature request logged for additional text formatting options in the Menu. I'll add your vote and will be sure to update this discussion if this makes it to our feature roadmap.

  • Hi Andri,

    Total disclaimer: I am NOT a web developer, so what I'm about to share is very rudimentary and will likely not adhere to responsive design principles/guidelines.

    That being said, I've found that inspecting elements of an exported Rise courses with Google Chrome's Inspect tool allows me to find the line of css I need to adjust within the main.bundle.css folder.  You can use any code editing software (Notepad works just fine).

    Here is an example of a default Rise course (Horizon theme):

    Here is an example of a customized Rise course (Horizon theme):

    Please reference the attached screenshots to see how to read the information provided by the Inspect tool, where to find the main.bundle.css folder, and what values within a given line of css need to be adjusted.  To jump to a line, be sure to use the Find feature and type in the opening of that line (e.g., .overview-list_section-title)

    Hope it goes well for ya!


  • Hi Andri! So sorry there isn't a way to customize the font in the menu and the sections. 

    You might want to check out Horizon and Apex Themes, as each has a different font for the menu and sections compared to the default Rise theme.

    • AndrideBeer-137's avatar
      Community Member

      Thank you Hazel.

      I am using the Apex theme and can only customize the fonts used for headings and body text. Is this (customizing menu default font) something Articulate would consider adding as a feature sometime in the future?