Rise not completing & progress not recorded for 5% of learners

Aug 21, 2019

The course has been launched for 6 months now and through one call from a learner and then doing an audit of completions and logs, plus talking to users, I've found some sessions are not being recorded. The biggest clue is we have a discussion forum after the eLearning. So no eLearning completion and a discussion comment is a red flag.

Approx. 5% of learners are doing the eLearning, based on their reports to me and the LMS log. However, when I check by logging in as them, I get a fresh Rise course, as if they have never been there (or they've just opened lesson 1). One learner reports they did the course twice and both times it didn't record. 

It has me beat. I haven't been able to replicate it and I haven't identified any patterns (e.g a certain browser).

I did update the SCORM in the first 2 weeks after the launch with minor changes and I checked that my test user progress data was unaffected. That's the only anomaly I'm aware of.

Any suggestions? I hear SCORM Cloud mentioned as a baseline test, but not sure how that can help with intermittent problems.

55 Replies
Erin Bird

Hi Everyone,

We have now moved over to Talent LMS and we are having issues where our students are unable to resume a course and have to start from the begining again everytime they access. This is causing lots of frustration for them, as it is forcing them to re-sit tests and isn't remembering their place or their scores. Our courses are structured like below: 

Unit 1
- Lesson
- Test

Unit 2 
- Lesson
- Test

Unit 3 
- Lesson
- Test

And so on. This means that if it forget their progress at unit 3 they have to do the full unit 1 and 2 tests again to get back to unit 3. Its very frustrating and doesn't seem to be any settings within articulate. I'd be so greatful if someone can help us with this 




Curtis Marquardt

Had this same issue with our LMS (LearnUpon). The solution that worked for
us is when you export a Rise course, it automatically adds an Identifier
string of text and numbers. You will see it on the export screen. What is
happening is that changes the index.html file in the export to include some
of that string, which appears to be messing up tracking for an LMS.

The solution: delete that identifier so that the field is totally empty
when you export. This fixed our problem with tracking. Hope it works for

Curtis Marquardt
Director - Online Education
Utility Business Media
Office: (815) 459-1796
Cell: (847) 239-3680

Erin Bird

Hi Curtis, 

Thanks so much for your comment, I saw your comment stating this further up the thread but i can't seem to find this identifier code anywhere, where about's do i look for this in the window? Is it in the html bar at the top of the page?

If so, how much do i delete? e.g. if it currently reads as below:


What do i then want this to read as? 

Thanks so much btw :)






Colin McEwan

Any update on this issue??? I have a problem with completion too. It only registers half of the course... and when I return to the course, I am only seeing certain sections marked as complete. This is not good. As my client is a very large sporting body and I need to find a solution. (aside from using a different tool and doing it all over again). I've tested multiple times in Scormcloud, and the result is the same no matter what I'm tweaking.


Michelle Kotulski

Hi Nick,

We did have an issue with our LMS not having a “patch” which caused a completion issue. We have Totara and that seems to have fixed the issue. We did have a “work around” where we added the an “exit course” button which communicated the completion to the LMS directly and that help a lot. We continue to have issues with bookmarking with RISE, it’s not consistent across browsers which is frustrating.

Hope that helps,

Michelle Kotulski
Senior eLearning Designer/Developer | Technology Learning Center
The Nature Conservancy
Remote Virginia Office