Upload Logo Error Message

Jan 22, 2018

Hello Community,

Currently having issues uploading a standard jpeg logo in Articulate Rise. I keep getting this message, "There was an issue uploading. Please try again."

Rise Error Message I resized to a smaller logo, changed browsers from current IE to Google, and used different images but same error message.

Upload Logo in Rise Error Message

Any recommendations


6 Replies
Katie Riggio

Hi there, Delia! Really sorry you're running into that message – I'd be happy to help get to the bottom of this 🔎

I went to Settings > Theme > Upload Logo where I was able to upload both of those files successfully. Here's a quick Peek of what I saw.

In terms of next steps:

  • Can I confirm the path of where you tried uploading those image files? Was it in the Theme section as well, or?
  • What browser were you using when you hit that error message? Here are the supported ones for authoring Rise courses.

I'll be here!

Delia Guillermo

Hi Katie,

Thanks for looking into this. Really appreciate it.

These images were being uploaded from my desktop, and I tried uploading them from a shared folder too, but both did not work.

Used both IE and Firefox too, got the same error.

I restarted my laptop today, and will clear cache for both browsers, and will try it again. Hopefully it’ll work this time. 😊


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