URLs that include &

Feb 21, 2017

I'm using a button stack and directing the button to a URL that has an ampersand inside it. Everything looks great in the editor, but when I preview the course the URL replaces "&" with "&amp" and breaks the link.

Is there a way to fix this, or will I simply not be able to link to the page?

9 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Sure Reagan - you can always send information to our Support Engineers privately by uploading files and describing the issue here.  

A colleague of mine did have another good idea to get you around this issue though - have you tried using a URL shortener? Bitly.com is a pretty common one, and it'll mask the URL while in Rise but you'll see it once the link launches in a new window/tab. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Thanks Reagan - I'll follow along in your case and it looks like you're working with Karla.  It may help if you can create a quick Peek of the two ways in which you've been inserting the URL so that she can test out both of them with the behavior you're reporting and that'll ensure we're following the same steps! 

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