Video Caption 'ON' by default in Rise

Feb 20, 2020

I have imported a single VTT file exported from Storyline into a video I have in Rise, other than embedding in the original source, is there an option in Rise to set the default to ON?

Many thanks.

44 Replies
Jo Restall

This should be a high priority for the roadmap and be implemented asap. This thread shows how many users need this simple addition, and 2 years later is not good enough. Even if you have to select it for the first video but then it remembers your selection for subsequent videos in a particular training would be better. 

Algebra University eLearning production

Agree 100%. I took a look at the javascript code that generates the subtitles and figured out why we are waiting so long for this feature. It is not as simple as switching subs on/off. It is implemented in much more complicated way. That's also the reason why there isn't any hack available yet. 

Carrie Lyn

We localize Rise courses and need the option to default the CC to ON in a specific language. (Some of the courses have more than one language CC per video.)

We don't always localize the audio in courses, and in those cases rely on the CC to provide the information from the video. It is disrupting to the learner to have to search for the CC button, apply it, and then start the video over once they've found the CC. Or the learner might just skip/ignore the video altogether and miss important information, if they don't realize there is a CC option.

Henry Vürst


This would greatly speed up the localization process of courses, drop the need to use a third party software to hard encode captions (as it's just considered normal UX these days that you don't have to make extra selections to turn the captions on when the rest of the course is in your language). Not to mention the improvement in speed when you actually need to correct some of the captions righ now, where we would have to go to the external video editor, make the corrections, re-render the video and upload again to Rise.

So this might seem like a small insignificant step, but for anyone trying to provide the best UX to their customers, it would save A LOT of time to have this feature finally be implemented.

Steven Benassi

Hi Henry!

Thanks for sharing the detailed feedback on the type of functionality you'd like to see in Rise 360!

I've included you in the feature report and will update this discussion as soon as we have news to share. If you'd like to stay up to date, you can bookmark our Feature Roadmap.

Have a great day!