Product Last Post Replies
Doug Arnold
I'm trying to figure out how to change a button state when you click on it, then change it back to the original state when you click it again. It seems simple, but it ...
Articulate Storyline 1 day ago
By Judy Nollet
Brian  Steers
I'm seeing some strange behavior with the audio in this file. Everything works fine until you revisit the second slide by clicking the previous button. Even though bot...
Articulate Storyline 1 day ago
By Brian Steers
Créateur Digital04
Hello, I'm adding comments in review for a rise course, but for some reason the screenshots of the activities in question are not appearing in the comments. I se...
Review 360 1 day ago
By Créateur Digital04
Nancy Hampson
Hi All, The company I work for has a Gemba Academy membership. We take some of their courses (all videos) and bring them into Storyline. The problem is the...
Articulate Storyline 1 day ago
By Nancy Hampson
Doug Arnold
Is anyone seeing this? I'm trying to post a question about how to do something in Storyline, but every time I do it, the message is flagged as "reported" and my post i...
Articulate Storyline 1 day ago
By Ginger Swart
Nina AAA
Hi, I have a question regarding import. I've created folders in Review and put bunch of Storyline files inside. When I'm creating content in Rise and want to import St...
Rise 360 1 day ago
By Stacy Campione
Lindsey Howell
Hi all, Since Christmas I have had issues using Replay. We record sessions on Zoom and use the MP4 file to import into Replay, crop the beginning and end of the video ...
Articulate Replay 1 day ago
By Lindsey Howell
Jamey Maze
We're seeing an issue with Storyline 360-produced SCORM packages on mobile devices and I thought I'd ask if others are seeing this issue. You can see the issue in...
Articulate Storyline 1 day ago
By Luciana Piazza
Melanie Elick
I am working with previously created question banks. I have extensively edited a question bank that is used in two separate files. When I opened the second file, the s...
Articulate Storyline 1 day ago
By Melanie Elick
Kelsey Cook
I searched high and low for the answer to this question but was unable to find anything. After playing around with some triggers for a while, I finally figured it out,...
Articulate Storyline 1 day ago
By Kelsey Cook
Lacey Wieser
I love the marker feature in Rise, but I would like to turn off the pulse animation, like you can in Storyline. I can't find where to do it. Is it possible in Rise?&nb...
Rise 360 1 day ago
By Steven Benassi
Ganesalingam Narenthiran
Hello, I have five tabs on my slide. I highlighted the first tab. Then I clicked on the icon for 'New Trigger,' and the 'Trigger Wizard' appeared. When I moved the cur...
Articulate Storyline 1 day ago
By Ganesalingam Narenthiran
Ken Flieger
Don't know if this is a translator or Storyline 360 bug. When importing a French translation file (XLIFF) from English all slide titles are removed and replaced with '...
Articulate Storyline 1 day ago
By Steven Benassi
George Moureau
I've imported a project from PowerPoint, done it before, worked fine. This time, however, every note section has "Published by Articulate® Storyline
Articulate Storyline 1 day ago
By George Moureau
Tiffany Hoefer
Has anyone experienced a large loss of characters with the latest SL update?
Articulate Storyline 1 day ago
By Ron Price
Sylvia Drower
Hi, I have flagged this issue before but it is now becoming increasingly more urgent. I have completed development of a project, published and delivered to client, cli...
Articulate Storyline 1 day ago
By Marguerita Blake
Alexandria IANOV
Hello, I'd like to integrate a self-assessment into Storyline. In this self-assessment, I'd like to be able to freely assign points to each of the proposed answe...
Articulate Storyline 1 day ago
By Alexandria IANOV
Mathilde Roy
Hello everyone, I can't configure my module so that the correct data is reported to my LMS. I have tested several possible configurations, but none give me the expecte...
Articulate Storyline 1 day ago
By Mathilde Roy
Tina Treffiletti
Hi, I have created two question banks which appear as folders. I notice that a previous employee also created a question bank (Conflict of Interest) which doesn'...
Rise 360 2 days ago
By Tina Treffiletti
Shah Quadery
Hi, When I record my screen using Articulate Reply the mouse cursor seems to be off. When I play back the video, I see the cursor is not where I placed it during the r...
Articulate Replay 2 days ago
By Grace Chan