Product Last Post Replies
Dragos Ciobanu
Hi, folks. This is one of the questions asked in advance of the European Conference in Leeds - I am hoping that, by posting it here, we may get some more ideas for the...
Articulate Presenter 13 years ago
By Dragos Ciobanu
Dragos Ciobanu
Hi, folks. This is one of the questions asked in advance of the European Conference in Leeds - I am hoping that, by posting it here, we may get some more ideas for the...
Articulate Quizmaker 13 years ago
By Dragos Ciobanu
Dragos Ciobanu
Hi, folks. This is one of the questions asked in advance of the European Conference in Leeds - I am hoping that, by posting it here, we may get some more ideas for the...
Articulate Presenter 13 years ago
By Dragos Ciobanu
Dragos Ciobanu
Hi, folks. This is one of the questions asked in advance of the European Conference in Leeds - I am hoping that, by posting it here, we may get some more ideas for the...
Articulate Presenter 13 years ago
By Dragos Ciobanu
Dragos Ciobanu
Hi, folks. This is one of the questions asked in advance of the European Conference in Leeds - I am hoping that, by posting it here, we may get some more ideas for the...
Articulate Quizmaker 13 years ago
By Dragos Ciobanu
Dragos Ciobanu
Hi, folks. This is one of the questions asked in advance of the European Conference in Leeds - I am hoping that, by posting it here, we may get some more ideas for the...
Articulate Quizmaker 13 years ago
By Dragos Ciobanu
Erlyana Chen
hi, i have animation and youtube video in my slides. it did not work when i publish it in Articulate for web delivery. can anyone help? thanx
Articulate Presenter 13 years ago
By Erlyana Chen
Veronique Brossette
We have a module that uses the Carousel interaction. When previewing it within Articulate or SCORM Cloud, everything works properly. Once the course is published withi...
Articulate Engage 13 years ago
By David Burton
Emre O
Hi, Think that a question includes 10 elements, in other words 5 pairs that you need to figure out. Once you are wrong with your first attempt -assume that you're aske...
Articulate Quizmaker 13 years ago
By Jeanette Brooks
Christina Holloway
Hi All, I hope someone can help me out with this issue I've encountered. I have created a custom flash interaction that has multiple buttons that when are clicked, ope...
Articulate Quizmaker 13 years ago
By David Burton
Emily Schu
Hi, I have a quizmaker file uploaded as SCORM content in Blackboard 8 - the issue is that when launched, sometimes it runs perfectly, and other times, it won't lo...
Articulate Quizmaker 13 years ago
By Justin Wilcox
Jennifer Bircher
Hi - I've always used the recommended .wav file format for my courses, but now I am working with a particularly large course and we're thinking of using smaller .mp3 f...
Articulate Presenter 13 years ago
By Jennifer Bircher
Jerry Woodrow
Does anyone know how to capture/download audio files (pronuncations) from dictionary sites?
Articulate Presenter 13 years ago
By Jerry Woodrow
Rich R
I know how to do multiple choice questions, but is there a way to add a comments field to the question? In other words, I want the student to answer the multiple...
Articulate Quizmaker 13 years ago
By Rich R
Lori Heithoff
Hi, I'm having trouble getting the arc feature (lower left of screen) on a Quizmaker slide to be transparent. Here's a few questions: (1) All the settings for t...
Articulate Quizmaker 13 years ago
By Lori Heithoff
Mary Hamilton
I'm new to Articulate and trying to create a course in which on about slide 3, the student will respond to a question about their experience. Based on the ...
Articulate Presenter 13 years ago
By Dwayne Schamp
Hi, My hyperlinks don't work in Safari and Chrome. They work fine in IE and Firefox. With Safari, it's worse : I get some crashes, even when running a quiz without act...
Articulate Quizmaker 13 years ago
Arnav Pathak
Hi everyone Just finished making the presentations for the chapters of 6th grade on powerpoint. Now when i try and publish these files through the articulate presente...
Articulate Presenter 13 years ago
By Phil Mayor
Stephanie Harnett
Hi. Is there any way that an mp4 or flv file, embedded on a slide in Presenter, actually play in an outside application when that slide his hit by the user? I am hopin...
Articulate Presenter 13 years ago
By Phil Mayor
Rhona Blankenship
This really isn't an issue with Articualte, it is an issue with Captivate 5. I am hoping that someone here in the community has experienced this issue and can provide ...
Articulate Presenter 13 years ago
By Brian Batt