Last Post Replies
Bruce Graham
Hi all. I have a "question" that I want to ask in the middle of my course - "Which of the following do you think are important for topic x?" I would like then to selec...
over 13 years ago
By Bruce Graham
Zara Ogden
Hello everyone... I am having a very frustrating issue. Quizmaker keeps shutting down on me. When I am in the middle of making a question or saving or whatever random ...
over 13 years ago
By Zara Ogden
PMT Elearning
Hello, In test mode, is there a way to see answer feedback after scoring the test. We would like this for each question when the user selects the "review" button...
over 13 years ago
By Brian Batt
Tom Hannon
Greetings to All, Please forgive this question if it has already been posted. I did a search before this post and came up with nothing usable, so.... The outpu...
over 13 years ago
By Laura Hickling
Daren Deans
Is it possible to have a quiz report to the harddrive or be sent to a server that hasn't got an LMS bolted on?
over 13 years ago
By Gabe Anderson
Wendy Leong
Normal 0 false false false oNotPromoteQF /> EN-US ZH-CN X-NONE ontGrowAutofit /> ...
over 13 years ago
By Brian Batt
Land Ormiston
With Quizmaker, it it possible to create a quiz with open text questions where users are forced to navigate through and view each question but not forced to enter a re...
over 13 years ago
By Land Ormiston
Adrian Gates
Hi All, Currently, I've been writing Quizzes in this format: 1. Slide setting up quiz with instructions 2. Quiz 3. If they Fail instructions slide - branched in "...
over 13 years ago
By Robert Kennedy
Angie Johnson
Hi Everyone, I need to be able to mark an ungraded quiz as "Completed/100%" in our LMS upon completion. Does anyone have any tricks as to how to do this? I'm able to g...
over 13 years ago
By Angie Johnson
When a user performs certain positive actions in a simulator we want to award points to the user or decrement points for negative actions chosen. If a user quits...
over 13 years ago
By Brian Batt
Adam Truckenmiller
I remember a day or two ago coming across a video in the tutorials on how to embed a Quizmaker question into an Engage file but am unable to find it anymore....
over 13 years ago
By Adam Truckenmiller
Judy Hogan
We have an Articulate presentation that has 5 quizes. Each is set to show feedback on each question. All have identical settings. All work fine when tested...
over 13 years ago
By Justin Wilcox
Carla Stewart
As part of a course in Presenter, the learners take a quiz. At the end of the quiz, learners should get a results slide which shows their score. If the learners P...
over 13 years ago
By Tess Farley
Babette Miller
I’m having some trouble removing the Print button from the bottom of my results page. I went into Pass Results, unchecked the “allow user to print results” option, sav...
over 13 years ago
By Babette Miller
Grant Goodwind
I have several very long quizzes where I’ve changed the navigation to Submit All At Once because I want learners to be able to review and change their answe...
over 13 years ago
By Justin Wilcox
Babette Miller
Is there a way to extract the questions and answer choices (not the learner responses) from a Quizmaker quiz? I thought that in a previous version this was in an xml f...
over 13 years ago
By Babette Miller
Chris Norton
Is there any way to use the "Retry Quiz" button ONLY when a user fails a quiz and eliminate it from the bottom of the "pass" screen when they pass the quiz?
over 13 years ago
By Colleen Brunner
Christine James
I'm trying to set up my quiz/interaction so that folks can take it multiple times. With a straight up quiz, this works fine...but when I add a time limit, things go...
over 13 years ago
By Christine James
Christine James
I need some help regarding the 'email results' and 'print results' functions in Quizmaker'09 - I have discovered that if I publish a quiz to Web, that the email and ...
over 13 years ago
By Christine James
Tess Farley
In both Quiz Maker and Presenter I have the settings set to "Allow Quiz to be taken only once" and yet you can easily go in an take the quiz again just by clicking o...
over 13 years ago
By Christine James