Andrew Crawford
Andrew Crawford
Republic Airways
"You must enable EDIT privileges on the renamed script files of story.aspx and analytics-frame.aspx to have the the user, including yourse..."
  • 1 month ago04/30/24 at 3:57 am (UTC)
"Changing all your slides to "Slide Advances: Automatically" creates a normal encoding process that we'd expect."
  • 1 month ago04/23/24 at 2:10 pm (UTC)
Andrew Crawford started a new discussion Auto Number Question in the Quizmaker Player Menu
"please create a setting, just as Storyline has, for the auto numbering of questions in the Player menu. This helps with auditing wh..."
  • 3 months ago03/11/24 at 4:22 pm (UTC)
Andrew Crawford started a new discussion Text Box Undeletable in a Zoom Region
"This text box that was entered into a Zoom region after hitting Ctrl+T can't be deleted from the timeline or slide editing area. It..."
  • 3 months ago02/26/24 at 4:33 pm (UTC)
Andrew Crawford replied to the discussion Continued issues with text running off slide
"I found that this happens when a font in the project isn't loaded on the computer opening it currently."
  • 4 months ago01/25/24 at 7:21 pm (UTC)
"I have roughly 30 question groups in a quiz. The total number of questions available is 470. I set each question group to "Ra..."
  • 6 months ago12/13/23 at 8:16 pm (UTC)