Dang Thu Nga
Dang Thu Nga
CNAM Pays de la Loire
"It's done. Thanks for your help !!!"
  • over 13 years ago02/24/11 at 6:50 am (UTC)
Dang Thu Nga started a new discussion Problème de publication (publish problem)
"Normal 0 21 false false false ontGrowAutofit /> MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Bonjo..."
  • over 13 years ago02/24/11 at 4:20 am (UTC)
"We found the reason, at last. For those who are interested: the problem comes from the audio files names. There shouldn’t be any accents ..."
  • over 13 years ago02/15/11 at 8:04 am (UTC)
"Bonjour, J'ai un souci bizarre avec un module de cours: Quand je fais un "preview" individuel de chaque diapositive, tout est normal ..."
  • over 13 years ago02/14/11 at 7:00 am (UTC)